
R&P:What do people normally say...?

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when you tell them your hobby is Yahoo! Answers or in Rock and Pop




  1. I don't tell them.

    My friends would disown me. Hahahaha

  2. They say " What is Yahoo Answers"?

  3. I don't have much friends, so at least here I can have fun and discover new bands... It's a very instructive place... Some people on here are very funny. But I guess they would say: NERD!

  4. Something like, "Oh, cool"... then they change the subject, cuz not a lot of my friends know about Yahoo Answers.

  5. get a life

  6. this is my guilty pleasure. i keep it a secret! lol.

  7. They look at me funny. Then I explain to them a bit more about what it is, and they say, "Get off the computer and get a life." One of my friends, I was telling her over e-mail about Y!A, and she didn't ever respond to that e-mail. I talk to her about my contacts, how funny and smart they are, and how most of them share a bit of my musical taste, and how I think they are so awesome, and she just eyes me nervously, then changes the topic. I have told my mom about it once or twice, and how relieved I was that I was finally meeting people with my musical tastes, she said, "Good for you," and seemed generally happy that I found you guys because I usually talk her ear off about the music I listen to. But sometimes at dinner I'll burst out, "Guess what! _______ on Yahoo! Answers suggested a band today, I checked them out and I really like them! Say, does Bob [her boyfriend] have any CD's by ____________?" That's when she rolls her eyes and probably thinks, "Thank God she found this place so she can talk to other people besides me about it."

    Some of my friends thought that it was pretty cool that there was a place like this, but undoubtedly they would be in a different section than I. Some of my friends said, "You shouldn't make that your hobby, get off the computer" or "Get off the computer and get a life."

    So the thing most people say when I tell them about Y!A is either that I'm a geek or I should get off the computer and get a life.

  8. Sorry but this isn't nearly My main hobby, lol.

  9. This is one of my smaller hobbies so I cant answer that one :]

  10. i just told my friend i was doing this!!!!!!

    lol. and she called me a dork..

    but she thinks dorks are hot.


  11. i am so in the closet about this. My boyfriend thinks it's hillarious, and my son always wants me to ask stuff like "Who's stronger the Hulk or Superman?"

  12. uh "yahoo answers?" in a sarcastic tone.

  13. i told my one friends about it, i even made my friend a yahoo account.

    but she's not really into music so,R&P isint the place for her,...she

    probably doesn't even understand what i mean when i say R&P :)

    , i dont thinks she would care, even if she knew what it meant

  14. i've never told them that because my friends don't like rock as much as i do so this is the only place where i can talk about it.

  15. I dont tell anybody, they would just not understand

  16. I told them how addictive and cool it was. And they were like. Cool.  

  17. I would say: get a life/hobby/job/relationship/pet.

  18. haha I don't tell people I come on here. xD

    Once I did...

    "you use yahoo answers?"


    "ew why? my dad uses that!"

  19. "take up (insert hobby here)" haha

    i love it here though..

  20. I always get the "eh what's Answers?" or better yet "what's R&P?". and I'm like NEVERMIND, ya don't get it!!!!

  21. "Alissa, you need to get off the internet and go outside or you're going to get vitamin D deficiency!"

  22. My husband thinks I'm a dork and everyone else just shakes their head.  

  23. I have told no one...

    I'm watching myself here. I mean, who would I tell? Almost nobody I know has musical taste that would pass by our regulars' standards.

    I'm keeping it my little secret. ^_^

  24. Nothing. I don't call sitting on the computer a hobby.

    Just a time passer.

  25. I have to agree with someone else,they normally would say ''What is yahoo answers?''

  26. They tell me to get a life. I tell them I have a life but I choose not to use it.

  27. huh? why ask something stupid like this haha jk. I don't know you tell me

  28. oh, i dont tell people that,

    they'd stuff me in a trashcan and beat me up!

    they'd say this place is for *losers* but HO HO HO are they wrong!

  29. Usually their response is:

    You need a life...

    But they don't know how amazingly cool this place is :)

    I'll talk to my friends occasionally about some of yall, and they think it's so creepy I have friendships and inside jokes with people I don't even know that I've met on the internet...

    They just don't get it...

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