
R u an Adopted Child?

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R u 21 years old and have a birthdate of MArch 28th, 1986? Where u born in Joliet Illinois? Silver Cross Hospital? Adoption agency Easter House, chicago,illinois..

I am looking for my daughter and the reason is not only because I was FORCED into adoption, but also because she has a Biological sister whom wants to locate her...If u know anyone can u pass the message on...Adoption is hard and I would not recommend it, unless u want to help a family in need, If u have to ,,Fight for ur child!! Thank God the LAws have changed!! well I thought I would try this route,,u never know who can be reading this,,,,email me anytime..




  1. I can help you find her.  I found my birth parents and have also done it for several others.  E-mail me if you'd like some help!

  2. Im adopted and its my birthday today.I think of my mum  often.I do hope your succesful with your search.


  3. Good luck.

  4. I just wanted to wish you luck.  I am an adopted child, but I am not yours.   I wish that I was.  I have recently found my biological family, and my BM was nowhere as near as excited as you are about finding me finding her.  

    This is a good route to go, because like you said, you never know.  Also, try through the agency that the adoption was taken place.  There are also numerous websites and registry's that can be looked at to see if there is any matches.  

    I wish you all the luck, and if you ever do meet, I hope that your meeting goes well and that you are able to build a long lasting friendship.

  5. no x

  6. I was adopted but i was born in riverside Ca. But i will pray that you find your daughter. i hope you find her.

  7. Sorry i'm not her. But try adoptions sites like because there are sites where you can enter your details, and she can look them up. she may also be registered already.

    good luck

  8. i just wanted to post this to say goood luck and what a brave person you are i was going to go the same road as you did but couldnt (glad i didint) i totally agree with you view about going down that street.good luck.hope you find her and everything works out.xx

  9. they always leave notes through adoption so the child can contact the parent talk to social services!

    whats the chances your daughters going to be on yahoo answers

  10. I hope all works out for you. Please let me know what happens. Keep me updated. K

  11. Please check out this site.  There is a female adoptee searching with the same details you list.

    Same birth date, place, same hospital.  the only difference is that they list an attorney not Easter House.  Worth looking at.

  12. no sorry,but i wish u luke that u find her
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