
RAINBOW what is it?

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  1. rainbows are arcs of coloured light formed when the Suns rays are reflected and refracted (bent) by drops of water in the air - falling rain or spray. the colours in rainbows are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. a rainbow with red on the outside and violet on the inside is called a primary bow. sometimes, the light is reflected twice and the colours are reversed in a secondary bow.

    only half of a rainbow is visible, the lower half being cut off by the ground. a complete circle can be seen from an aeroplane.

  2. A rainbow is an optical phenomenom that appears when sunlight is refracted through droplets of water in the atmosphere. Read the reference for everything you ever wanted to know about rainbows.

  3. It's a refraction of the light from the suns rays through the prisms in the rain drops.

  4. is the light that is cut by drops

    is a strange concept but on the Internet you will know better explain

  5. Rainbow is nothing but a figure dat is obtained due 2 interference phenomenon of light.

    Interference of Light: when light enters from 1 medium 2 other medium it gets refracted. dis refraction gives out a particular pattern of light fringes.

    when rain falls in presence of sunlight, the light of sun gets refracted thru d drops of water nd d white light gets seperated into a spectrum of 7 colours i.e VIBGYOR..

    Rainbow appers in d opposite direction of d sun.

  6. It happen when Sunlight shine on the water droplets and causing refletion

  7. It's an optical phenomena which is caused by the dispersion of sunlight as it goes through water droplets.For the matter,it does not actually appear in a particular location in the sky as we see it.Rather, it is actually an optical illusion, and the location of the rainbow depends on the location of the observer and the sun.

    And... did u know???

    That in some occasions, you may be lucky enuf to observe a second band of rainbow in the sky?

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