
REALLY NEED HELP... swimming?

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I teach swimming lessons and this one boy will not stop screaming. I have tried everything and I need all the help I can get. Any ideas?




  1. He isn't water adjusted yet.  Sing songs keep it fun, keep his turn short and modify his turn.  Don't force him to do back float if he is holding onto you for dear life.  Try to give him something to hold like a noodle.  Don't lie to him.  Don't let him get his face wet until he is ready and choosing to do so.  Do what you can for him on the wall.  Have him kick, manipulate his legs for him.  Suggest to his parents to spend time with him in the pool, or maybe a parent tot class.

  2. 1. Make sure his parents are out of sight.  Often I find they will scream while their parents are there and are fine when ther are gone.

    2. If he is younger, what I often do is put all of the pool toys/rings in the water and tell him that once all of the toys are cleaned up/after he picks up all of the rings, he can go home.  While he is busy picking up toys/rings, you can throw more in.  This usually stops the tears and gets them feeling more comfortable in the water.

    3.  Sometimes they scream just because they want attention.  In this case assertively tell them "no more crying" or "you're ok" and continue on with the class as if they are not screaming.  Reward good behaviour and ignore bad behaviour.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Can you do some one-on-one teaching with him in a kiddie pool?  Does the place where you teach have a special area for toddlers and very young kids?  Those places are usually very shallow (maybe a foot or two) and less scary.  If you don't have an area shallower than 3 feet, try to get him in the pool slowly--sit on the side of the pool and see if he'll stick his feet in the water while you talk with him; get in the pool and ask if he'd like to get in and hold onto the edge; go from there: teaching to put his face in the water, blow bubbles and gradually how to float, etc...  (you've probably already tried all of this, though...)  Can you use floaties?  Fun water toys?  Pretending to tread water and swim while still on dry ground?  If he's not screaming because he's scared, and is screaming because he's undisciplined and bratty, well...can't help you there.  That's a parent's problem!  Good luck!

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