
RUDE Customers??!!!?

by Guest65457  |  earlier

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work as a cashier at Kmart for the summer.

They give the cashiers each $100.00 each when we start. We get $42 in 1's, 1 ten dollar bill, $20 in Fives, $1 in pennies, $10 in quarters, $5 in dimes, and $2 in nickels. That adds up to 100.00 As we get customers, that money lessens when we give change back or increases if customers pay in 5's and 1's..etc. We usually accumulate a lot of 20's when customers pay and put them under the register.

I had a customer who payed with debit. On the machine she asked for $40 cash back. I handed her two 20's and she said "I dont want 20's I want 5's" I only had about $20 in fives so I told her "Ok well can I just give you my $20 in 5's and give you 2 10's?"

Customer: Well I dont want tens..

Me: Well I dont have enough 5's to give you, but customer service can give you the change for it.

Customer: Well I don't want anything but 5's so just call the manager over so I can get some 5's




  1. Any time a customer starts up with a money change,close your drawer and call a manager. I don't care how busy you are. If she handed you a twenty and asked for fives instead, just close your drawer and tell her company policy not to break change from your drawer. And I don't know if you know this or not,because I see so many younger cashiers choosing not to abide by it. It is ,when someone hands you money,never,never put it inside the drawer until you have given them their change and they are walking away.Then put the money in the drawer. If you don't do this and instead put the money in the drawer first,they can and do claim they gave you a fifty instead of a ten. If this ever happens,close your drawer and call for an audit from management. Byee People are nasty,but that is retail for you. Byee

  2. money is the route of all evil

  3. well, im guessing the betch was on the rag...obviouuusly. and the elder woman is doing just about what anyone else would do...i know i curse people out for giving others a hard time, people should really take 2 minutes and put themselves in somebody elses shoes...minimum wage people hardly get paid enough to take that shite...

  4. Lady #1 - this is what I call Union Mentality. Bring ME everything, and I might be happy.

    Lady #2 - She pitied you.

  5. what would she say to a roll of nickles or is it dimes.ah,good for you a patron stood for you.i might have done the same.

  6. The best way to handle that situation is called "broken record" ie CD, just say "That's the only way I can do it at this time" , and each time she goes on about it say, " As I said Ma'm, that's the only way I can do it at this time" and continue with that response.  You were too kind and explanitory and it grew from there. Kmart  is not  a bank!

  7.'re rude customer was on a power trip !!! Thank goodness for nice customers !! p.s. It brought out the maternal need to protect you with the nice customer!! I worked ata store one time and this one older woman(I worked outside)would always bring me timmys!!

  8. Well there is an example of the rudest customer followed by a perfect customer!! At least it gave you something to have a laugh about throughout your shift.

  9. There was no need for that at all.  However, the good second lady customer seems to have balanced it out for you.

    A few years back, I used to be a regular shopper at a supermarket near my workplace.  One day, a black lady customer was very rude to a black female staff at the delicatessen counter.  I informed the day's duty manager that the customer was a total b**ch to his staff and that she should not be allowed to bulldoze people like that.

    Yesterday, I had the opposite.  I went to our local ASDA/Walmart supermarket, bought a pack of 2 school skirts for my daughter and pack of 3 pairs of sports socks for me.  When I got home, I realised that I had left them in the shopping basket at the self check out counters.  

    I immediately returned and enquired at the customer service desk, where the young lady was pleasant and advised me to check with another young lady by the self check out tills, I went over to her and as I was explaining to her, I noticed the items still in the basket, thanked her and went over to retrieve them, this second young woman was rude when there was no need to be!

    I think the moral of this story is that it goes both ways!

  10. oh retail!!!  The first thing you need to know is that it was nothing you did.  Most likely the rude customer was having a bad day and you just happened to get the brunt of her frustration.  For whatever reason, there are people who feel entitled to certain things- in this case, the rude woman thought she should get the fives.  All you can do with people like that is smile and direct them to a manager.  You didn't even owe her an explanation.  It's just one of those learning experiences that'll give you tools for the next difficult customer.

    The reason for the next lady being so nice, she's compassionate and understanding.  She may have worked in retail herself.  Also, it's not fair the way the rude customer treated you and she wanted to make sure you knew that.  Good on her for knowing what's right and wrong.

    Good luck this summer- remember, your managers get paid to deal with rude customers and it's most likely in their job descriptions- all you can do with the difficult customers is smile, tell them you understand and direct them to the nearest most available manager.
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