
Rabbit: Dead or Alive?

by Guest61217  |  earlier

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While practicing bow and arrows I hit a small rabbit but when i hit it it was still living, so I took the arrow out and it ran away, i also placed carrots along the place I hit him to see if later there would be none left meaning he's alive, i think the arrow may have only gone through his skin because he ran full speed and left and there was no blood on the arrow, but any way, will he live or die?




  1. idk

  2. Were you TRYING to hit it or something? Idiot.

    How deep was the arrow, did you notice? I used to be in archery, and if it's just a surface wound, or didn't hit the heart/lungs, there's a good chance it will survive. Also, what is the poundage of your bow? What kind of arrows were you using? This all affects the entry wound of the rabbit. If you were using broadhead arrows, it probably won't survive because when you pull the arrow out it actually makes the wound bigger and tears the flesh.

    I mean, how stupid are you?

  3. Are you for real or just a troll?

  4. Well if you felt that when you pulled it out it wasn't very deep than chances are you only broke the skin i think it will be ok.

    I had a dog that ran into a plow and hooked his side but a few days later he liked it closed and was fine.

  5. I think it is nice of you for caring, but there are heaps of rabbits in the world.

    She might of got a cut or scar but probably wouldn't of come back for the carrot because she is so scared.

    I hope that helps...

  6. There is no way to tell for sure, and chances are the rabbit will not return to the place it was hit. You can only hope that its alright.

  7. if the animal stomach is going in and out at a normal rate he will survive

  8. Oh, you it it. D: It depends where you shot it at. Like people, when they it hit by a bullet, it depends where their hit. But it is a good thing you left carrots, but a bad thing to shoot it. It might have been someone else's rabbit that ran away.

  9. At first, I was about to yell at you for hurting a small animal, but after reading your question a few times, I'm assuming it was an accident?

    If there was no blood on the arrow, he should be okay. You said he ran full speed and left? He seems pretty okay to me.

  10. if you hit it on purpose than why do you care if it survives or not? you might have killed the poor thing intentionaly. but it sounds like an accident and it sounds like the arrow only broke the skin so it sounds like it'll be fine.

  11. After reading your question a couple of times, I still don't get why some people think you did it on purpose. It sounds like an accident (and I hope so!). Well I'm no expert but I think if the rabbit ran away so quickly and there was no blood then the arrow can't have gone too far. Only you yourself can determine if the arrow seemed to be in too deep. But I think if the rabbit had been seriously hurt it would have shown at the moment. I hope it's okay!

  12. Why do you care? If you could shoot the poor thing, what does it matter to you if it's alive or not?

  13. By my guess its still alive. If it was truely injured it would not have run away. It had no blood so it might be that it didnt go deep. If it took the carrots it is alive. Dont worry their okay!!
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