
Racism in highschool and Y/A??

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i have seen a lot of this racism on Y/A. my question now is why? y do black ppl feel they need to dwell on slavery? when i was in high school i seen it alot.i was called a slave owner and other names. i get the whole slave thing was bad and i get that it happened to a LOT of ppl. but can they prove my family owned slaves then?the answer is simply no! I'm white yes but that doesn't mean anything. my ancestors were swedish and polish immigrants.some were captured for the hitler genocide.i get angry when black ppl throw the slave thing in my face, why is it that they think they are the only ones who suffered because of who/what they were? history is full of cases in which ppl were wrongly treated, news flash guys they weren't all black either!!! I'm not a racist. i see intelligence before i see color. i'm tired of this crazy idea that racism only includes white ppl against blacks ppl. like i said before i see an individuals intelligence above all..what are your thoughts on this?




  1. Can you racist stop saying black people you include me and no one in my family or ancsrty was a slave and who are you to tell a whole race they cant talk about not only there history but blood line and what white people done to them the only problem I see is if they use it against white people alive today which is wrong but on social terms white people have it easier than black people around the world because of history things dont change overnight after an abolishment and things seem to never change and you and wont understand because you aint black

    then again I aint complaining im living life fine

  2. No, he's not ridiculous. There a couple of black people who are obsessed with slavery, and look at white people hatefully because of it. I'm not one of them, but I'll say this.


    Like I said, I'm tired of hearing that slavery talk. We need to move on. We can achieve what we want to, stop using someone else's mistreatment as an excuse for bad behavior, or stupidity.

    Oh, and I'm black in case that wasn't obvious.

  3. I think the correct sentence would've been "some black people". Aside from that i understand what you're saying. I'm mexican and within my community a lot of latinos born here blame the spanish for messing up latin america. That's not to say they didnt but they're not doing it now. Same with the blacks. Also, today's media doesnt help the matter of racism go away. We have Rev. Jesse Jackson, among others, who blame slavery for everything (if not most of everything) that happens to blacks today. Instead of looking at the progress, these people cant seem to move on. It is sad what happened but we dont have slavery anymore in the US, and while there may be racist whites, asians, and latinos there's also racists blacks. Just like any feeling or belief, it can be shared by different ethnic groups...  People need to learn how to let go. Because this was more recent in the US and the media is not helping, unfortunately i dont see this going away anytime soon.

  4. well personally you shouldn't  point blame at an entire race of people just for what someone did to you that you didn't like. Slavery was bad and it was terrible, and its something that can't be forgotten thats probably why people still talk about it. It was wrong for the people to call you a slave trader, but it was wrong for you to say that every African-American person dwells on the horrible past that we have overcome. "y do black ppl feel they need to dwell on slavery".  

  5. Man, I understand where you're coming from. I don't know why black people throw slavery around when:

    1. No black person living today was or is a slave

    2. Blacks weren't the only slaves of the world. Has anyone heard of the Jews?

    3. Because of slavery, Black Americans are better off than their African counterparts. I guarantee you a black kid from the Sudan would much rather be here.

    Slavery is part of our shameful past but look at the good things that came out of it (Kobe Bryant, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Malcom X, Martin Luther King Jr.)....I think you get the picture.

  6. I can't say I know what you mean...because I don't. I've never in my whole 17 years of living heard a black person use slavery as an exuse, I mean I've heard them joke about it but they're never serious about it or use it to get by in life or anything. Maybe its just your part of the city.

  7. Oh wow. You are ridiculous.

    PLEASE point this racism out to me.

    You people are hilarious. I've been on Y!A for I don't even know how long. I've seen a lot of disturbing racist questions against blacks. And now you are saying the black people are RACIST for pointing out their history. Interesting

    In MY school blacks don't call whites names. They get called [N word]s.

  8. You're generalizing and stereotyping. Most black people do not do that. And you're not a minority in a country run by the majority(media, idea of beauty, movies, politics, life etc.) so you don't know what it's like.

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