
Radio/Televison Broadcasting?

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I'm a Mass Communications-Electronic Media major, basically radio/televison broadcastic. Has anyone done this major? Are these careers hard to break in to? What different types of careers can you go in to with this major?




  1. You entered this major without getting the answers to these questions?!? Your school has career advisors who can give you reliable information in these matters -- for free. Go find one and make an appointment; you'll never regret it.

  2. I originally studied mass comm and though my advisor had these dreams about the industry, she was largely out of touch with how the industry had changed.  University-wide staff might be clueless about all the possiblities as well.  The thing is the industry has several different possibilities like DJing (which is more timeshifting than actually spinning), live producing, tv production, tv commericals, film producing, writing ect.  Even in TV producting or directing can be different depending on the job.  Some places prefer experience but you can work yourself up (even without a degree).  And network with people.  They might know of media possiblities (like history documentaries for museums) that your advisor might not of thought of or knew of an opening.  

    Your program might have a college radio station or tv station.  Volunteer there and be involved in your department.  If nothing else media companies near by will post job listings in hopes that they can get some college students in.  That's what I did.   It can be difficult at times without experience, but if you are willing to work a low-paying part-time position then you can use connections to get a better job and you have an inside advantage.  Some places though want you to be groomed and might think they have to retrain you.  These places sometimes have programs for recent grads to be like paid interns and you might be offered a position after everything is said and done (but there are several more just like you).  And intern at different places to get a better feel of what you like and to get your name known.

    Be warned the money (unless you are on-screen talent) is quite low.

  3. If you're a Kak-Jew, you shouldn't have any problems whatsoever.

    Don't think so, then look at all the numbers of Kak-Jews by comparison to EVERY other Ethnicity.  The numbers certainly

    aren't reflective our the United States of America Population.

    Best of luck to you and your endeavors.  We need people in the media who will tell the TRUTH about what is going on and not some contrived, controlled, or manipulated form of it.

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