
Raising Strawberries??????

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OK, so I planted my strawberries and they are starting to turn a little Red. As soon as they turn completly red do I pick them or will they get bigger when their Red? Help me?




  1. The berries are a mature size when they turn fully red.  I pick mine just as they do so, as if left on the plant, the local pest population will eat them.  By which i mean squirrels.

  2. As soon as they are red I would pick them, the birds or the slugs will get them.  They are probably small, either because they are alpine strawberries, or they haven't had enough water.  I'm having a problems with strawberries too.  Last year it rained so much, that the few that came, the birds/slugs got there first, despite, the straw, and the net and the slug pellets.  I'm in Scotland, and I'm beginning to think that £2.50 a punnet is a bargain!  Hope you have more luck than me.

  3. yes you pick them when they are red.... or else they will rot on the vine!!!!!!!

  4. pick when red they will not get any bigger if you leave them the blackbirds will do the job for you!

  5. Pick when red & juicey...remove any that touch the ground as they will rot after a time. best tip with fruit...if it tastes good its ready.

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