
Ramirez Deal nearly done?

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Will Carroll believes the Commissioner's Office has been informed of a Red Sox-Pirates-Marlins trade even though the teams haven't agreed on the prospects. Here's how he sees it:

Marlins get Manny Ramirez, one prospect (BOS), and cash (likely Ramirez’s remaining salary)

Pirates get Jeremy Hermida and three prospects (two FLO, one BOS)

Red Sox get Jason Bay and John Grabow

Who gets the best deal of the three teams




  1. That site had quite a few options for the trade.  As it went on the deal seamed to wither down to just a Sox and Marlins trade with the Sox giving up Manny for Hermida and a few prospects.  I think that would be a good deal for the Marlins and a bad one for the Sox.  Hermida isn't proven to be a big time bat.   The only way I would see the Sox dealing him would be if they could get a star offensive player in return.  The Bay trade seemed possible, but after that broke down, it didnt seem like the Sox were getting what they wanted from Florida.  I don't see that happening.  As at the end it said, the deal probably won't, the sox will go ahead with Manny and not pick up his option in the offseason.

  2. I love the red sox but i reeeally hope they get rid of manny... he is soo arrogant and annoying. i cant stand him.

  3. The Marlins get a better deal. Their pitching is looking good but they are an offensive team that can get better and try to win the NL east.Manny Ramirez really helps the Marlins.

  4. ain't goin to happen

  5. I have some mixed feelings about what Manny would do to Florida's team.  they are young and I think that they need a veteran leader.  I am not sure if he will be a leader, which I wouldn't say he was one in Boston, or a nuisance who puts up mediocre power numbers.  he could make or break that team.

  6. hermida has been hot lately, it would stink to see him go. i would offer willingham instead. now if this trade happens the marlins have a even better  chance of taking the NL east. so dont count them out.

  7. I really like the sound of this deal. Everyone gets a good end of it, but I say Florida gets the best. They get Manny and 3 Prospects!

  8. marlins, got an even better chance of taking the nl east.

  9. well I heard the if Nady or Bay left the Pirates then the one that didnt go will stay on the Pirates... Nady did leave so I doubt that Bay will go too

  10. The Marlins get a huge deal here, but the Red Sox need it most. We need Bay soo badly. Manny is bringing the whole team down, and we also need a bullpen man, and Grabow may be our man. If this goes through we may be right back to contend, but we're playing like a .400 team right now.

  11. I would love it if this happened, because Jason Bay is worthless.

    Look at that trade. There's no way that benefits the Sox. They're giving up a huge bat. That doesn't make sense. How/why would the Marlins end up with such good results? How/why would the Red Sox end up with so little? Theo Epstein is smarter than that.

    The PIRATES would end up with better talent than the Red Sox.

    I doubt this will happen. I'll believe this trade when I see it, but I wouldn't mind being proven wrong.

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