
Rape Dream?

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I had a dream that one of my close (girl) friends drugged me by needle and tried to rape me. I tricked her into thinking I wanted her to rape me but I escaped. A friend I don't talk to much helped me out a lot and another person I was very close to several years ago but grew apart from tried to help me but didn't help much. The places where everything happened were my house and a school I used to attend. Almost everyone I've ever known somehow showed up somewhere in my dream, even people I haven't seen in over a year. What could this dream possibly mean? (I'm a girl and I'm bisexual, btw)




  1. Maybe your dream was giving you a chance to experience having a relationship with a girl without having to do that in real life, you missed a chance to decide what you want to do with your life, before it's too late.

  2. Maybe you're friend is about to do something shady in the future...?

  3. Oh, come on now, we didn't fall out of the dumb tree! (only a few) Your dream is about as fascinating as two seals doing the hula-hula! I've interpreted dreams way before you were on the the minds of any and events like these are nearly improbable in dreams. Try again.

  4. Dreaming of rape is a common expression of fears of violence, and unwanted attention from members of the same or opposite s*x (in your case it's the same). Rape can also represent feelings of violation, that ones personal boundries are not being respected. I think this dream means you're insecure about the fact you admitted you're bi. Maybe you feel that one of your friends cannot be trusted with this information or maybe you fear that someone you haven't told will take it in a different way (i.e. think you're a L*****n.

  5. It means your guilty or ashamed.
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