
Rape victim at loss!?

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ok so my friend (18 now) was raped by her brother who is (16 - much much bigger) and her parents didnt believe her.

well now me (her bestfriend), my boyfriend, her boyfriend and her want to hurt him so bad

we are all so Pi**ed and we dont know what do to since her parents think she is lieing

--i believe her 100% because he tried to force me into s*x

---she has a lil sister (9) living in the house with him (she is off to college)

what should we do?!?!?




  1. Report it. If he does it to his sister, he will most likely do it to other innocent girls as well.

    BUT do not touch him. That will only get you into a lot of trouble.

    Report it. We do not need an other serial rapist. I am a Nurse and am always so puzzled why parents most of the time do not believe what has happened.

    Thank you for caring.


  2. You report it. Usually, after the fact, there are pubic hairs in the region or left at the scene that will correlate with the rape. Also, there would be vaginal trauma. This should have been reported the day it happened to the police and should have bypassed the parents. That's too bad that it happened 2 months ago. You need hard evidence to pin someone for rape.

  3. 1.  Call CPS and report it.

    2.  Call the local rape counseling organization.

    3.  Call the police.

    Her sister WILL be hurt if she does not.  And, her parents ARE liable for having been told be your friend.  Do EVERYTHING in a legal manner.

  4. Call CPS they will help get her out of the situation she is in.

  5. Ya'll Move up to the Northern way down yunder

  6. You call the police and report the crime.

    You can also call the local Rape Crisis center (regardless if your report the rape to the police). They have advocates that can help you through the legal process and reporting the crime (even two months later) and counselors that can help you with the after effects.

    It's great that she has you to support her.

  7. Ditto.  Report it.  Encourage her to report it.  Do not delay.  

    What access does she have to a health service at her college?  Many schools have counseling for victims of violence, as well as health care.  Regardless of where she lives, there is probably a rape crisis center and battered women's shelter who can offer her help.

    You may be able to help by by your good example and modeling appropriate behavior by seeking out professional help for yourself.  

    Since you are concerned for her little sister, which you are to be commended for, you might try calling anonymously from a pay phone (if they still exist) or somewhere your call cannot be traced to you.  You might call the agency responsible for child protection for where the girl lives.  You might ask if you could describe a hypothetical situation and ask what they would do.   Gather all the information you can about who can do what and how it happens.  Then, think about what is the best course of action.  Depending on the answer, you may decide to call back, providing all the details, asking them to investigate the possibility that the child may be in danger.  

    This is a terribly tough situation you are facing.  You don't have to do it alone.

  8. Have your friend take some self defense classes,and then get a tazer and some other fine things.She needs to keep it hush hush and surprise her brother the next time he tries something then tell her parents they are evil,moreso than her brother for not believing her.

  9. I'm sorry that this happened to you and your friend.  My advice is that since her parents do not believe her, I would immediately encourage her to contact the authorites or children's services. It is likely that he will try to abuse the younger sister as well. She needs protection. As for you and your friend I would suggest seeking counseling.
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