
Rat health question?

by  |  earlier

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Hi. I've had my rat for about 9 months, so she's not that old. Her fur is getting lighter. She is a blue rat, so she has blueish/gray fur. Now there are some orange/brown looking patches of fur on her. Is this because she is getting older? Or is she sick?




  1. I dont think so, my rat was light grey, and no she is jet black. so, yeah, i guess it is because she is getting older (rats are "adults" at about 8 months) and there is nothing wrong with her.

  2. Its possible she's 'marinating'.  Rats have a tendancy to lie in their damp wet bedding and the constant urine on the fur can alter the colour

  3. It might be seasonal shedding. You might want to ask a vet. Hope everything goes well!

  4. it happened to my rat it is just getting old it is fine and healthy

    i have that sortoff rat also they r beutiful arent they

  5. Without seeing a pic, I can't tell you. Orange is typically a color we associate with two things: buck grease (which doesn't apply, since yours is female) and porphyrin. It could be that she is sick and her mucus (snot, saliva) is stained reddish orange with porphyrin, and she's smearing it on her fur during grooming. Have you noticed any sneezing, labored breathing, or any signs of illness? Another thing to think of is with the brownish tint it could be dried blood. Is she itching more than normal? You could wet her fur and see if there are scratches on her skin.
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