
Rate/fix my e-hero deck?

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monsters 28

3x sparkman

3x avian

3x clayman

3x burstinatrix

3x stratos

2x bubbleman

2x ocean

2x captain gold

2x bladedge

2x wroughtweiler

goddess with the third eye

winged kuriboh

magician of faith

magic 24

3x polymerization

3x fusion sword mursame blade

3x warrior returning alive

2x skyscraper 2

2x e-emergency call

2x fusion sage

miracle fusion

bubble shuffle

spark blaster

reinforcment of the army

swords of reveling light

order to charge

change of heart

monster reborn

traps 5

2x hero counterattack

hero signal

elemental recharge

negate attack

fusions 9


rampart blaster


phoenix enforcer

flame wingman

steam healer

shining pheonix enforcer

shining flare wingman

plasma vice




  1. very good. but one thing is missing. elemental hero mudballman. i can get you one if you want.

  2. Magician of Faith = BANNED

    Change of Heart = BANNED

    E-Hero Stratos = LIMITED to 1

    You should also know that E-Hero Captain Gold does NOT work with Skyscraper 2 - Hero City. He can't exist on the field AND he can't search it either.



    Monsters: 22

    2 E-Hero Bladedge

    1 E-Hero Neos Alius

    1 E-Hero Stratos

    2 E-Hero Prisma

    3 E-Hero Sparkman

    2 E-Hero Ocean

    3 E-Hero Wildheart

    1 E-Hero Burstinatrix

    1 E-Hero Avian

    1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

    2 E-Hero Clayman

    3 King of the Swamp

    Spells: 15

    3 Miracle Fusion

    3 Polymerization

    2 Reinforcement of the Army

    3 E - Emergency Call

    2 R - Righteous Justice

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    Traps: 5

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Hero Signal

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    Total: 42 cards

    Fusion Deck: 27

    2 E-Hero Plasma Vice

    2 E-Hero Wildedge

    2 E-Hero Grand Neos

    2 E-Hero Shining Flare Wingman

    2 E-Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer

    3 E-Hero Thunder Giant

    2 E-Hero Flame Wingman

    2 E-Hero Phoenix Enforcer

    2 E-Hero Darkbright

    2 E-Hero Rampart Blaster

    2 E-Hero Wild Wingman

    2 E-Hero Mudballman

    2 E-Hero Necroid Shaman

  3. I run a warrior deck myself, which includes some E-Heroes. You should know Stratos is limited..... you cannot have 3 copies. Also this deck is way to big, there are far to many cards. Magician of faith is also banned. You need more traps, 2 or 3 sakuretsu armors, mirror force, 1 or 2 bottomless trap holes, and 1 or 2 dust tornados. Get rid of negate attack. Replace winged kuriboh with marshmallon. You only need 1 bladedge if any. Change of heart is banned so replace is with brain control, only need 1 warrior returning alive, get another reinforcement of the army instead, murasame blade isnt a very good card, take out all 3, the only equip you should have is united we stand if you can get 1. Also swords puts you at -1.. you lose a card and your opponenet does not, you would be better off without it. Overall the fact that this deck is so huge with a few cards that are not efficient I would rate it 4 or 5/10. The main thing you need to do to improve is follow my advice on your trap cards, and them limit your deck size down to 40-45.

  4. nice. but you should get elemental hero blade edge

  5. 7/10

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