
Rate my Rainbow Neos deck

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2x neo space pathfinder

1x dark panther

1x rainbow dragon

1x stratos

1x marshmallon

3x elemental hero neos

1x king of the swamp


1x card destruction

2x fusion recovery

3x polymerization

1x premature burial

3x oversoul

2x different dimension capsule

2x Emergency call

1x giant trunade

1x heavy storm

1x brain control

2x neo space

2x the warrior returning alive

3x hero mask

1x swords of revealing light

1x ancient rules

1x monster reborn

1x lightning vortex


3x magic jammer

1x torrential tribute

1x fiend comedian

1x trap hole

1x mirror force

fusion deck

1x rainbow neos

1x dark neos




  1. WTF! 10 monsters!

  2. Hello. If you seriously want to run a Rainbow Neos deck, you would have much more flexibility running Rainbow Dark Dragon instead of Rainbow Dragon. Try this.

    MONSTERS: 21

    1 Elemental Hero Stratos

    2 Elemental Hero Neos

    2 Rainbow Dark Dragon

    1 Elemental Hero Necroshade

    1 Phantom of Chaos

    3 Armageddon Knight

    2 Destiny Hero- Dasher

    1 D-Hero Disk Commander

    2 Destiny Hero- Fear Monger

    1 Morphing Jar

    1 Marshmallon

    1 Spirit Reaper

    2 Cyber Dragon

    1 Sangan

    SPELLS: 17

    3 Destiny Draw

    2 Reinforcement of The Army

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Pot of Avarice

    1 Future Fusion

    2 Polymerization

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Soul Taker

    1 Nobleman of Crossout

    2 D.D. Reincarnation

    TRAPS: 5

    1 Return From D.D.

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    2 Sakuretsu Armor


    3 Rainbow Neos

    Side Deck: 8

    1 E- Emergency Call

    2 O- Oversoul

    2 Royal Decree

    2 Foolish Burial

    1 Card Trooper

    This Deck is focused on pulling out either Rainbow Neos OR Rainbow Dark Dragon as a win condition. Hope the answer helps!!!

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This question has 2 answers.


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