
Rate my words?

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This is a poem/song that I wrote. It's basically about people leaving. Tell me what you think. =)

We all grow up,

to grow apart.

Anyone left here with a heart?

Let me know.

Let it show.

The times back when,

used to be so great.

Now we're filled with burning hate

Keep it in,

Your free from sin.

The friends i've had,

Have come and gone.

I sit alone,

But not for long.

Cause of you.

You know thats true.

You saved me from

This wreck of a life.

You turned around,

With that same knife

You took me down.

I'm on the ground.

But pick me up

And if you do.

Then theres still hope

For me and you

Look inside

You'll be alright

You'll be alright.




  1. ok

  2. which ones do i rate there are so many?

    j/k it was a great write and the feelings your trying to express came out well keep writing

    Just remember good things happen to those who wait

  3. I really like it.

    Your words are good :)

    I can relate.

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