
Rate them please.?

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What do you think of my pictures.?

i've been told i have an eye for photography.

please be honest.

2 weeks ago




  1. I like the 2nd and 3rd pictures better. they're all pretty good though.

  2. wow you have a really expensive camera and you know how to work it, you must be talented. just like i have an expensive education so i must automatically get a genius. you can take a picture, who gives a f*uck

  3. it says picture not found or more like page not found!



    are you like some kind of professional?


    they are pretty good(:

  4. ooh. really pretty. i really like the swings one.


  5. I like the middle one (with the sea) but honestly I'm not excited...

  6. well if you really took those then thats amazing. i like the swing on the beach one

  7. its show nothing

  8. eh, kinda amatuer (like im an amatuer speller) but there is def. some talent in there

  9. pretty :)

  10. those are amazing photos? did you take them yourself?! they are so pretty :)

  11. i like them all except the first favorite is the second one

  12. They look pretty good to me, are you sure you didn't copy them off yahoo images?

  13. WOW I LOVE THEM!!! you really have some talent!!
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