
Rated M- Games?

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I've always wondered what is so bad about rated M games?

(I've only ever played rated E games.)




  1. All the stuff that a people under 17 loves and parents (the ******* overprotective ones) love take away.

  2. all the good games are M

    they arent bad. like Halo, for example, is only M because they swear a little and kill people/things.

  3. Tucker, why would I want blood, drugs, and prostitutes in real life?

    It usually just means gore and swearing, like in this one game my friend had where you could cut people's arms off with a hatchet and then use the disembodied limbs as weapons.  It was freaking awesome.

  4. s*x, voilence, foul language (i think), blood, drugs. If they crave it so bad why not go do it in real life?

  5. violence, s*x, drugs, alcohol, prostitues, much that you really dont want to knoww.......

  6. The Andrew what game is that? Im pretty sure I want to get it.
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