
Rather Graphic Toilet Question.?

by Guest60902  |  earlier

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Unpleasant details ahead. Read at your own peril.


Whenever I get a bad enough headache, I also get the urge to go to the toilet. Not just once or twice, but like, 5+ times within the space of an hour.

I can actually feel my body digesting the food if I lay my hand over my stomach, like it's working overtime. And when I go to the toilet, it's often something similar to diarrhea. this only happens if I'm nervous or have a headache. I also feel nauseouss.

I'm thinking maybe some part of my brain goes a bit delirious (because it happens if my head hurts enough) and starts sending signals to my body to behave badly, but I dunno if that's right. I'm just curious, do any of you get similar symptoms? Do you know what the cause is? Because I'm sure it's connected to the pain in my head.




  1. ok..i read it all....i think you have irritable bowel syndrome.......which can be made worse when you are stressed out...and cause dhiorhea. changing your diet will help with the bowel problems, and the headaches.

  2. It also could be anxiety/panic attacks, normally you don't get a headache but it's possible.

    Otherwise, it could very well be migraine symptoms.

    You really should see a doctor...they've seen everything, and heard everything...nothing you share with your doctor should embarrass either one of you.

  3. many people on here can give you answers, but how many of them are doctors and actually know whats wrong with you?

    So... here's my advice... GO to a doctor. Only they can tell you whats wrong, unless someone here is a doctor, i personally dont think you should listen to anyone who isnt a doctor. Been Mis-diagnosed can lead to serious harm/side-effects. So please go see your doctor, its there job

  4. sounds s h i t ty

  5. The headache and diarrhea can both be caused by a bad diet.  50% of your diet should be whole grains, cereals; 35% fruit and vegetables; 15% protein(mostly fish, some white meat and hardly any red meat...also ddrink 6 glasses of water daily, and chew your food thoroughly before swallowiing. Also, avoid dairy foods and artificial sweeteners.   A good diet will help your diet produce enzymes to counteract

  6. I get similar from time to time.  But I know mine is IBS and it doesn't generally accompany headaches.  The stomach symptoms sound the same though - the uncomfortable shifting inside your gut and the sudden and immediate urge to go to the toilet.  Look at your eating habits.  Does it happen after you've eaten particular things?  Or eaten quite a lot?  Or particularly when you're worried and stressed?  You should go and see your doctor because it sounds like it's getting in the way of your life.

  7. If standard procedural elimination and isolation of problem applies, we are going to have to separate your head from your body to isolate it as the cause.


    Seriously, they are connections to different things.  Nervousness can cause nausea.  My brother used to get sick on the first day of school every year due to it.  The best thing to do is to isolate the cause of the issue (aside from the obvious headache).  Keep some Excedrin (or your painkiller of choice) with you to take when you start getting a headache.

    Also see if massaging your temples or other pressure points help the headache and in turn your stomach / bowel issues.

  8. When someone gets diarrhea they lose a lot of fluid and become dehydrated, which can cause really intense headaches. I'd bet that's what's going on. You should watch what you eat more and try to see if any food in particular causes these problems. Also, even though you feel nauseous, you should try to drink a lot of water or tea when this happens to reduce the diarrhea and headache, and to help re-hydrate you. If this happens more than every once in a long while you should see a doctor about it, because it could be something more serious like IBS or Crohn's Disease.

  9. I agree with Flossy, this is best handled by a doctor.

    I get bad splatbum if I'm stressed however I do have IBS so that's my lot!

  10. Sounds interesting, anything is possible really.

    Bad constipation can also cause headaches, so is it C causing the headache, or the other way around?  

    Your guess is as good as mine.  :)

  11. maybe related to migraine? some people can only get rid of migraine by throwing up - maybe you just have to go the other way.

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