Unpleasant details ahead. Read at your own peril.
Whenever I get a bad enough headache, I also get the urge to go to the toilet. Not just once or twice, but like, 5+ times within the space of an hour.
I can actually feel my body digesting the food if I lay my hand over my stomach, like it's working overtime. And when I go to the toilet, it's often something similar to diarrhea. this only happens if I'm nervous or have a headache. I also feel nauseouss.
I'm thinking maybe some part of my brain goes a bit delirious (because it happens if my head hurts enough) and starts sending signals to my body to behave badly, but I dunno if that's right. I'm just curious, do any of you get similar symptoms? Do you know what the cause is? Because I'm sure it's connected to the pain in my head.