
Rats sneezing constantly?

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I recently bought two female rats from Petco two days ago. They're both sneezing constantly, there isn't any discharge coming from their eyes, nose, or mouth and I use Care Fresh bedding. Is there reason for concern and if so what should be done? Thanks much!




  1. Even though it's new maybe the bedding is giving them allergies? Ask PETCO what they used in their cages.

  2. We have a 20 mo. old male rat and all we have used is paper torn in strips when we first got him he had the same problem my wife found a book at the Petco on rats.

  3. Hmm... I wonder. Were the rats on Care Fresh bedding when they were at Petco? If not, they're just adjusting to the new bedding. It's probably the bedding. Change to a different bedding and maybe in a few days the sneezing will end.

  4. there could be something about the bedding or the air that could be harmful in the cage

  5. My rats did that too when we got them. Two female rats from Petsmart, but they got over it within a couple months. It was just stress oriented, there shouldn't be anyting to worry about if there isn't any discharge from it's nose or eyes.

  6. They could be allergic to the bedding, or something in their cage.

    Carefresh bedding can get particularly dusty sometimes, so switch to a different undusty bedding and see how it turns out. Wood shavings, like aspen, do not get very dusty so you can try that for a while. Or a cheaper alternative is shredded paper.

  7. They may have been exposed to a cold at Petco.  It's normal for a rat to sneeze now and then, just like people but they shouldn't be sneezing so much now.  Is Care Fresh bedding natural?  I always used the soft pine shaving bedding and the rats didn't have a problem.  Maybe try a different bedding and see if the sneezing stops.  Make sure their cages are in a clean environment also without dust.  Also, if there are birds around the bird's feathers have dust that could cause sneezing.  I hope that helps and good luck to you and your rats.

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