
Ratty Question!?

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i asked a question:;_ylt=AtPNjqylMOEvJxdWQlCo72MjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080720154129AA0QT36

are those answers true...will nuetering my rat make him less aggresive?...will getting him a buddy make him nicer?


P.S. pls dont be mean!@ thanks! ♥




  1. It is definitely possible that neutering will make him less aggressive, lots of people have reported their males becoming more mellow after being neutered. It's not fool-proof, though, sometimes it doesn't work.  

    As for getting him a friend.. I don't know if that will make him nicer, necessarily. It may, but it's also possible he'll become aggressive to the new rat as well. He may also take to the new rat very well. It's hard to tell.

    You just really need to work with him and be patient. How long have you had him.. has he been like this all his life? How often do you come in and talk to him & try to handle him? If you've sort of given up on trying, that might make him worse. The longer he stays in his cage without being talked to or handled, the more aggressive he's likely to be. You could try wearing very thick gloves to handle him at first, until he stops biting, to get him used to being held.

    EDIT: Does he draw blood when he nips at you? He may be just "taste" biting, my boy Templeton does that sometimes, but he does it lightly. If you think it might be this, but he's just doing it too hard, try making a loud sort of "EEP!" noise. Then he'll realize that what he did hurt you. It's just a process. Especially if he was a feeder rat. They don't get socialization early on in life and that makes it a more difficult process to socialize them. But don't give up! :]

    It is always good to get lone rats friends, though. Rats are very social and this could possibly make him a lot happier.

  2. Neutering is an option, but obviously it's a pretty invasive procedure.  It will probably be expensive as well.  I recently had a small tumor removed from one of my rats and it cost over $200.

    Your guy probably could use a friend.  Rats are highly sociable creatures.  If you decide to go that route, I would suggest you read up about how to introduce new rats.  Some good information can be found here.

    You can also find good information at this site for overall rat care since you kind of accidentally ended up with a rat.  I would also suggest you adopt a rat from your local humane society.  Unlike dogs and cats, rats usually spend a loooong time at the shelter before getting adopted; they definitely need good homes!

    I would also suggest you work on handling him more.  Getting bit sucks, so try to lure him out with treats so he starts associating you to good things.  Frozen peas, grapes, cheerios, all make great bait.  This kind of thing is going to take time, but it will be totally worth it.  

    Good luck!
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