
Re-take wedding pictures?

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I got married a little over a month ago and got my wedding pictures back and was really disappointed. There are a lot of good candid shots but there are only a hand full of pictures of my husband and I and none of them turned out good (shadows, too dark, too far etc.) I've heard of dress trashing but has anyone ever gotten all dressed up again and then retaken wedding pictures? Thanks for any advice!




  1. Awww sorry that you had to go through that. If you want to re-take photos, then you have every right to do that but have you tried having someone edit or Photoshop the photos first? That might fix a lot of the problems.  

  2. You could do this, but it sounds like a fair amount of work. Can’t your photographer have your dark or shadowed photos retouched by his lab? I had everything from trash cans removed to lighting adjusted as part of my package. It didn’t cost any extra.

    If for some reason he doesn’t have a lab he works with, see if he’ll pay for a good local lab to do the work. If you don’t know of any, look up some locally owned photography stores in your area. They usually do excellent photo retouching.

    Just to give you a concept of what’s possible, here’s the place that I use to restore old photos. A good lab can work miracles.  

  3. My mom really wanted a bridal portrait, which never happened the day of my wedding.  I was married over a year ago & my mom is begging me to put my dress on & take a picture for her!  It's crazy, but I may just do it for the picture for her.

  4. Honestly, if it hurts you this much and you are disappointed this much then I would.  It could just be photos of you and your husband (as asking bridesmaids to get all dressed up again may not be ideal for them) and have your photographer take photos of the two of you.

    And make sure he does it FOR FREE.  I would not pay for these new photos at all.

  5. My photographer ran out of film just as the minister said " you may kiss the bride"  So she  asked us to redo the kiss so that she would have a picture.  It just was  not the same, everyone knew it wasn't the real thing.  

    But...if you are just wanting a portrait, I don't think that is Bridezilla of you.  Get your husband a tux and put on your dress and go to some place like...I dont know...Olan Mills or what ever PRO portrait studio in your town and get a perfect portrait of the two of you!  

    I would ask first if your photographer could do touch ups in his studio? If you did not ask him, be sure to do that first.

  6. Today, we are accustomed to instantaneous availability of everything.  It was not that long ago that people had their wedding photos taken weeks, sometimes months after the wedding because hiring a photographer was simply not possible, particularly in rural areas.  Folks would dress again in their wedding finery and have it done at a photographer's studio.  My relatives who did that (as recently as 10 years ago) still cherish their wedding photo even if it wasn't the same day. However, I would first find out if there is a way of fixing it (touchups)?  That might be less expensive.

  7. I kinda have the same situation as you.  All my pictures turned out great, just not enough of what I wanted.  Everything was running late, including the photographer, so I didn't get a lot of the photos  I wanted taken.  I had the idea of everyone getting dressed again and going to the place I wanted to go to for extra pics.  Sure hair won't look the same because I am not spending money at the salon again, but at least I will have pics of my gown without the train already bustled, pics with certain people that there was no time to take of, and more pics of just me and my husband.  I say go for it!

  8. I've never heard of this.. it's not the same.  It's not the day, it's not the moment, it's recreating something that already happened.  I'm sorry that your pictures suck, and if you want to do this go for it, but I just don't think it'll be the same.. and what would you tell your kids.. "we didn't like our first pictures, so we got dressed up again and did it again.."  ??

  9. Are these your proofs or your actual pictures.

    Proofs usually are lesser quality and the final product should be retouched.

    Seriously ask your photographer.

    Was this an experienced photographer?

  10. My cousin did something similar to that. Her wedding pictures were not good at all. There were no pictures of her and her husband.

    She and her husband went to Glamour shots. They completely did her make up and hair, it was totally diffrent from the wedding.

    Those are the pictures that are hanging in her house.

    Whatever you decide as long as it makes you happy.

  11. I think this is a fabulous idea especially if you are unhappy- think of it as your own wedding photo shoot and enjoy it! You will treasure all the photos in the years to come the day they were taken won't really make a difference!

  12. lots of brides are now doing that 'trash the dress'

    but keep in mind it does ruin your wedding dress

  13. I don't really think you should retake photos in your wedding dress, it just seems too contrived for me - talk about Bridezilla. That said, if you want some nice pictures of you and the new hubby for the mantle or whatever else, maybe you can take some pictures of the two of you (although they would be similar to engagement pictures I guess, you could dress it up).

    Another thing I'll mention is the power of Photoshop and you might be able to have someone really make your wedding pictures look a heck of a lot better. Shadows, distance, etc. can all be fixed with some clicks of a button.  

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