
Read this poem?

by  |  earlier

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Have you ever wonderd what is was like to be afair

to be alive and changed

smiling in the mirror

i see the reflectrion

even thing seems so blurry know

i tend to fall

i smell the sweet breath of your name

i cant sense what everyone is saying

tommarow is a new time

i dont understand whats been through

if you only knew

i once fell in love with you but know its gone

as the floor seems to lose its way

i dont understand if its a new day




  1. this is nice. it touches you. you need to revise it though. its hard to understand if you are trying to make out words.

  2. This is really deep.

    But honestly you need to read it over because it was a little

    hard to understand, just get the language all worked out and

    it will be an amazing poem. I really do like it, you should post your second draft!

  3. awww...this is wonderful loves it a lot
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