
Ready for New VP Barbie?

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Will we soon have

VP Barbie with bullet proof limo?

Bambi Killer Barbie with laser guided weaponry for blasting helpless animals?

Drill Me Here and Now Barbie, oiled up and ready to go!

Pro Life VP Barbie complete with Attorney General Ken for arresting rape victims?




  1. Better than new VP Hair Plug Ken Doll.

  2. Absolutely, better than Anti-American, terrorist supporter Obama!

  3. yes , time for change from kill all babies barbie ! (demoncrats are a little too pro-abortion for most) / / awww , your just upset cuz barrack got scared and chose a stiff suit for a running mate ,  rookie mistake i understand .

  4. Let me guess a sexist Obama supporter. Plenty of those around.

  5. Naw, I don't think this will even be a problem now...She has already insulted about 18,000,000 people!!!

  6. I think what you mean is that we will soon have:

    An ethical VP Barbie

    A true American VP

    A VP who is there for even those who can't vote (Pro-Life)

    A religious VP who is there for those who believe in God, but understands that not everyone believes in a higher power.

    A VP with a 90% approval rating

    A VP who actually understands the oil situation.

    need i go on?

  7. Are we Ready for the Anti American on top of the ticket...The Inexperienced anti American i might add.

    Ready for Mr. Plagiarism as VP?

    Let's go, keep the sexism alive.... It will backfire on you guys don't worry.

  8. Oh let me guess.  You're a liberal freak that has NEVER let a single piece of meat make it's way into your mouth?  Don't be a hypocrite.  How do you think the ORIGINAL settlers survived in this country before the advent of "grocery stores".  Some of us prefer TRULY organic meat to feed our families.  And for MOST of us that DO hunt, are much more humane to the animals that we take down than alot of thugs in Chicago are to their own neighbors.  

    At least Sarah Palin's children know where milk and eggs REALLY come from.  I'll bet the kids in your neighborhood would answer that question with "They come from the grocery store."  I'm glad Sarah Palin comes from a family that "clings to their guns and religion".

    Nice try delusional one.

  9. Please. Shouldn't you be getting ready for junior high?

    Palin's an accomplished woman & a great VP choice.

    Have a little class.

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