
Ready for baby??????

by  |  earlier

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How do My wife and I know if we are ready for a baby? We have good jobs,we have been married for 3 years, I am 29 and she is 28, we arn't getting any younger. Are we ready?




  1. If you are worried about being financially ready, the best way to look at that is to see if you could survive on one of your incomes in case one of you losses your job or circumstances come up where one of you has to stay home. Otherwise, if you both feel like you are emotionally ready then go for it! Good luck!

    P.S. Don't be discouraged if it takes you a while to conceive, it can take more than 6 months to conceive! Good luck!

  2. The material things seem to be in place, house, jobs, cars, your married, but if you ask me the truth is you never really know - know if your ready.  If you both have discussed it and want to start a family then you should just go for it and don't over analyze it.  I always wanted children, but after I got married I was waiting for the big sign that said your ready - but truth be told I never got that YOU READY sign and neither did my husband, but we both wanted to start a family we had been married two years I was 29  he was 34, had jobs, cars, house, etc like you, so I said lets do it, we did and now we have a daughter, shes 15months old and couldn't be happier.  So if your both feeling like you want to have a child just do it.

  3. Well, I'll just pass along something a good friend of mine (mother of 2) told me recently...if you wait for the moment that you feel absolutely 100% ready, you'll never have kids.

  4. If you want the baby, and she wants the baby, then go for it.

  5. if you are in love and have the time then yes!

  6. Don't panic. Nobody is ever completely ready for a baby! ;) But people who really want to be good parents are as ready as anybody can be.

    A remarkable thing happens as soon as your child is born. You find yourself overcome with a love that is unlike anything you have ever experienced. Trust that love. Trust your instincts. Ask other parents a lot of questions. Read books. And know that you'll make mistakes, and that it's okay.

    But trust that you are ready.

    Congratulations! :)

  7. I believe you probably are, if it is something you both want, go for it, :)

  8. I'll tell you a secret: You will NEVER be "ready" for a baby.
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