
Real life super powers?

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I Have been reading books and doing research on this and i have found some humans actual have super powers like the ones you read about in comic books some of the powers i have found with in some people are

Psychic abilities






Physical abilities Extreme strength,Super Agility,

Speed,Vision,mussel mimic,Fast healing

Mental abilities

Super memory,genius-level intelligence,


Super natural / Spiritual abilities

Witch Craft,Weather control,

Miscellaneous abilities

vocal control,Mimic

These are just a few of the powers I have studied in humans now my question is could this be a form of human Evolution?

And are their any ability's that you have noticed you have and can you tell me about it




  1. I guess you said most of them...thnx for the helped me too..hehehe

  2. I know people posses gifts and some are more advanced than others but I would not call these super powers. There was a show way back when I was a kid called strong man or the strongest men in the world or something like that. It has been over 40 years since I have seen that show but they had me of extraordinary strength to do things like hold a Cessna airplane from taking off and one guy was holding two of them until He lost it and they started taking off and he was almost killed but he got the rope off just before they left the ground.  In the late seventies or early eighties there was a special on dare devils and I saw one man sit on a box of dynamite and it exploded and he was thrown several feet and  survived but was shaken.

    A lot of it is mathematics and skill.


  3. You may have been reading some hoaky wicca books and dumb new age psuedo-science make believe stuff.

    However, your question really sounds like it stems from watching the show "Heros"

    The fact is, many people make the claim that they have super powers. Many people have even made videos that they post on you-tube and elsewhere on the internet. However, not one of them has ever been able to prove thier actually exist. Some have tried to prove, only to find out they were just guessing things, or imagined thier powers. Some refuse to prove thier powers, which is a strong indicator that its a hoax.

    A good example is Sylvia Browne. She has been challenged to demonstrate her powers many times, and she refuses to prove that her powers exist. Which is a strong indicator that she is just faking it, and trying to prove her powers would reveal her as a fraud.

    For the record the Simeon guy is wrong. Its not that Scientists cant find a plausible explaination for such things. Its that scientists can find a plausible instance of such things happening.

  4. I honestly dont understand why people find it so hard to believe that things like this exist. Essentially all you have to do is take a long hard think about life, and everything you have ever learned, and you will realise these claims are not so outrageous. The only reason we are taught not to believe these events, is because "scientists" cannot find a plausable explanation for the outcome of certain events, such as telepathy across countries, ESP, etc.

    Life is very strange, and i always wonder, if its true that 65% of humans believe in the afterlife, why do only 10% believe in telepathy and "super powers" as mentioned above.

  5. I'm an empath.

    I've never heard of vocal control and Mimic. I wonder what those are.

  6. Cypher, you are correct in saying that we are evolving. We are becoming MULTIDIMENSIONAL HUMANS (living with the awareness that all is one and interacting with all dimensions, thus having "super powers").

    I have many amazing abilities and I love using them to help others; but the hardest is to live in a world where skepticism and hatred dominates over love and acceptance. Living multidimensionally is the hardest task one can do in a Western society.

  7. I do not think its evolution because those abilities could be traced back to ancient times.

    I do believe we can obtain it for instance chi does exist and is used in martial arts.

    and the ability for like super memory and such look up Paul Scheele. He has found a way to develope reading potentional by having someone enter a certain state of calm but attentive state (can you read a page a second? 'photoreading').

    So i really dont think it is evolution otherwise there should be a larger number of people to have powers in this world.

  8. Stuff used to happen with me...but it got me into a lot of trouble. So now I don't encourage it. Be careful who you tell about your experiences with these things.

  9. Like the other guy said, humans have had these powers since forever. Just because it is finally getting attention doesn't mean its something new. Take me for example: I have been able to display on numerous occasions: psychic abilities, clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, ESP, empathy, and others.

    I believe Sylvia Brown is a fake too, but some of us (the real ones with talent) out there just don't want ourselves "tested". for one, its annoying, and I really dont need to be on tv or anything. answering stuff on here is enough for me. fame is for fakes.

  10. i'd say it is the end of our involution.

    there are theories about humans having been the actual gods, but loosing all those NORMAL abilities generation by generation.

    good news is we are in a constant age of mass awakening and the 'myths busters' are having less and less to talk about.

    i've been around this category for about a couple of weeks and i've also been labeled today as 'yahoo paranormal evangelist'. it may have been [i'm sure it was] in contempt, but i was flattered.

    the more you allow these debunkers to shout into your ears 'it-is-not-possible', the greater chances are you lose your confidence and you will most probably believe there are limitations.

  11. In terms of real science Super human strength is a documented fact.  Evolution could be an explanation but no hereditary link has ever been made.  These are usually attributed to training and discipline.  There are limits to how strong a person can get because of the laws of physics.  There is a limit to how much a person would be able to lift without taring cartilage.  There is also a limit to muscle strength do to the limits of protein and muscle fibers.

      But keep dreaming.

        As far as ESP, they can easily be explained as a person with good perception and awareness.  Most people aren't aware of suttle clues that other people give off about their intentions.  Some people are more sensitive to these clues.  There could be a evolutionary explanation for that but there is also no evidence of that.

  12. I prefer to call them gifts rather than "powers". My strongest is my empathy, I can feel the emotions of others as well as emotional energy and just energy in general. I'm also telepathic, a touch clairvoyant (my sight isn't crystal clear yet, but I can "see" on occassion), and clairaudient (spirit hearing...can hear at the very least angels).

  13. First, I don't consider these superpowers. For reference I consider super powers being able to fly (without a plane or other mechanical assistance), X-ray vision (without the machine), shape shifting into animal forms and other such powers.

    Second, yes the normal human abilities that you name could be part of human evolution. For instance we know that many creative and genius level humans form more neural connections in their brain than the average person (they don't use more of the brain but they use what is there with greater efficiency). One can only hope that as a species we will continue to nurture learning (despite the debunkers discouragements) and creativity and these traits will grow and develop in all of us as a species.

    However, there is an idea that suggest human abilities like ESP are ancient abilities that we used to survive as a species (for instance knowing where to look during the hunt or when a fellow tribe member was in trouble) and that over the years as mankind has conquered nature and developed technology that these these abilities (no longer vital) fell into disuse by the species.

    So, yes it could be evolution as that even in evolution some traits of a species are lost.

  14. I can see you've been reading a lot of comic books.  Based on your magical beliefs, I would suggest you have been reading way too many.

  15. Do you have any abilities?

    I don't suppose you go by the name "Sylar", do you? x

  16. Somebody replied that ESP is nothing but being aware of subtle "clues," but that's not at all true. I have precognition and used to--before I became ill-- win big at the lottery about 1 out of every 5 times I played. Eventually they put my picture up on the wall of winners at the grocery store where I bought my tickets.

    And there have been many other instances. One day i just decided not to go to school. The next class I asked somebody what I missed and I found out that I didn't miss anything; the professor had some kind of problem and didn't show up the day I decided to stay home.

    There is much more to ESP and psi than "coincidence" or subtle "clues" or any other of the mundane explanations that skeptics always come up with.

  17. I have several real life super powers. One super power that I have not shared yet is that I can open a can of spinach using just my butt muscles.

  18. George w bush has super greed,super hypocrite, super lying, and that mussel mimic you spoke about! No one else can imitate a mussel talking like he can!

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