
Real questions with obama for parents?

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We have 2 young kids of 22 month, A big part of our monthly budget is going to nannies and we can't afford private day care ( over 2000 usd per month per kid in NY...)

and it will stay like that up to kindergarten. What Obama propose for all our families in the same case?




  1. If a big part of your budget is going for nannies, who don't one of you stay home with the kids and reduce that expense? Learn to live on one income, or perhaps the stay-at-home parent could get a part time job when the other parent is home, or maybe there's an opportunity for the stay-at-home parent to also work from home.

    Example: if you're earning a combined income of $6000 per month and your nannies cost $2000, you're living on $4000. If both parents earn equal incomes, one of them staying at home with the kids saves the $2000 and only puts a $1000-a-month 'hole' in the budget. That $1000 is easily made up through the employed partner's salary increases, part-time jobs, or decreased living expenses.

    Not to mention the most important thing: staying at home with your kids is the most rewarding experience you (and the kids) can have! That, my friend, is 'priceless'. You can accumulate all the money you want, but when your kids get older, you'll regret that 'work' kept you away from your children during their formative years.  -RKO-  06/28/08

  2. it's not the government's responsibility to pay for your children's childcare.  It's your responsibility.  The gov't should not be responsible for feeding, clothing, housing, giving medical care, paying your bills, or paying for your childcare.  For gov't to do that, we're talking about raising everyone's taxes YET again.  We already have free education for all children from K-12, which costs more than the GDP of all of Europe, which your friendly neighborhood taxpayer is forced to pay for.  Look, I've had three kids, and I know it's not easy.  I was a stay at home parent for over 7 years and we made do with less, but we were much less stressed out for it.  If babysitters make so much in NY, why don't you or your spouse start a babysitting business in your house?  That way you don't have to pay for childcare, and instead have other people pay you.  I'm starting a babysitting job next week, and we worked out a deal where I can bring all my kids with me.  It can be done without raising taxes, expecting gov't handouts, which is btw-a communist idea when you want the gov't taking care of you.

  3. Given your situation, wouldn't you rather have a president who'll lower your taxes by creating a complete alternative to the current tax system so you can choose the new or old way, depending on what saves you the most money (McCain) or would you rather have your federal income tax raised, taxes on your investments raised, and a domestic energy plan that will raise the cost of gasoline (Obama).

    It seems the less complicated and more efficient way to go would be for the government to let you keep more of the money that you earn, thus allowing you to better afford what you want.

    Think about things before you vote for the pied piper of government dependence.

  4. I agree, I have a one month old. John McCain has no idea what the cost of living is for an average person, he has never been one. Im sure that the gov. could regulate the cost of Child care if they wanted to, but their money has to go to their 1000 year war.

    Above me is a perfect example of the right winged Con additude I dont understand

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