
Really Nervious About Alienware?

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I ordered an Alienware laptop on August 13th, and today is August 28th and it's still in the second phase, meaning they havent even started to build the fracking thing yet. So I call them twice and get 2 entirely different answers as to what had happened with my order, as well as being told 2 different things as to what would be done. Now I read on the website that even the latest shipping would only take 5-7 business days, meanwhile the guy over the phone told me I should get it sometime at the middle of September.... So I started doing some research and I found ALOT of complaints about Alienware, saying that not only do they have the WORST customer service in existance, but that their products are problematic and dont last long. My problem is my school has set a requirement that I purchase an Alienware laptop, so my question is, should I say the h**l with what my school says and cancel my order with Alienware and go with Velocity Micro, or should I chance the 5 grand? It's really bad situation because I am more then a little nervious about this, since its alot of money on from what I've read a anything but dependable company. Furthermore I've read that its a nightmare to get them to help you fix the PC, even while the PC is covered under the extended warranty that you pay for. I know it sounds like a no brainer, but my school only gave me this 1 option and I am insanely pissed that I am in a situation where I "have" to buy this 1. What would you guys do?




  1. call them and say i order a alien ware laptop and you guys didn't give it to me i brought it for  dollars and i now i need my money or you send it to me

  2. Dude just get an alienware equivalent take note of the applied products to what you were gunna have built and walk to a local computer store and have them build it...

    Oh and are you in a graphic design or game development school?

  3. keep calling

    keep complaining

    see if there is a place you can go for more customer help

    sry, but u might lose 5K

  4. My experience with Alienware was terrible. I'd agree that they have incredibly bad support. My laptop continuously overheated. After numerous calls to tech support I sent it back for repairs when it was still under warranty. They replaced the graphics card and told me it was fixed. Shortly after getting it back it overheated again and fried the hard drive. Alienware refused to fix it, and refused to even give me over the phone tech support for the problem. When I got a new computer to replace it (not from Alienware) I gave the laptop to the guy I bought the computer from. He called me several months later and told me that after a lot of time and money he got the thing to at least boot, but it was by far the worst system he had ever seen. I would definately cancel the order if I were you.

  5. Your school can't require that you buy any certain company's computer.

    Sounds like they're getting a kickback from Alienware.

    I'd cancel it and just walk into a store and buy one.  

  6. can you cancel or get your money back? Whats with the school only ordering alienware? Does the professor get a kickback? I would cancel if you could and tell the school what a nightmare it is to get this done.

    Your call.

  7. Although it's true that their customer support is absolute BS,and that they don't fix your laptop immediately,AND that they may even LIE to you,intentionally or unintentionally,it's also quite true that my AlienWare laptop is one of the most durable,longest living laptops I've every purchased.

    I got what I paid for when I bought my 6 grand laptop 2 years ago,and right now it's in top physical condition running a Windows Vista flawlessly.

    You simply have to remember to turn the computer off,and NEVER use the sleep mode.The computer is powerful,therefore need routine checkups and cannot be overworked.

    What they don't have support-wise,you won't mind as soon as you get it (regardless of how late it may come)

    I wouldn't trade my laptop for any other laptop I can think of,just because I know how to work this one,and it's served me so well,for almost anything I can think of.

    Your 5k will be spent well,and no worries about the laptop,you'll love it.Just make sure you know how to not overwork it (easier then you think) or leave it on too long or whatnot

    I guarantee you that everyone else on this board has not ever owned an AlienWare laptop,or are simply siding with the negative reviews that all of the technology-impaired imbeciles have said about it.They won't buy it because it''s too much money,but if it's within your budget,a mistake it is not.

  8. Isn't there some consumer protection place you could call and tell them your story?

  9. Hmmm... Alienware?  All hype!  Worst mistake anyone can make unless you're Justin Timberlake and have money to blow and they kiss your butt.  You'd do a lot better to spend all that money on the highest end 17" Macbook Pro with Penryn processor they build.  Apple will ship that thing in a heartbeat, and tell them sent you to them.  You can run all OSes on a Mac.  After all, if you're going to spend that much money on a laptop, you might as well purchase the best:  Macintosh.

    Alienware is all flash!  It just looks pretty.  The thing is twice as expensive as the best high end Macbook Pro.  Look man!  Do yourself a favor!  Call them!  Tell them you don't want it!  Go to APPLE!  Get the best Mac for half the price you're going to pay for that Alienware machine!

    Left you a link so you can see how insane Alienware's prices are compared to the top of the line Macbook Pro.  No more viruses.  No more adware.  Run any OS.  No more headache.  No more SCANDISK.  No more malware! No more Microsoft brainwashing!  No more!  SAY NO MORE!  TRUST THE FAMILY! You'll never go back to a PC!

    Alienware = a Glorified Dell computer, because Alienware is a subsidiary of Dell!  ALL HYPE!  NO FRUIT!

    Last, customer service? Yep, they sure do out source to India. Alienware does.  Dude, Apple would always take care of you. You almost got me crying.  Well, not really, but I feel sorry for you, because you'd still get a major educational discount through Apple! PC Clones blow!

  10. Stay with the Alienware. It will be worth the wait. They're PIMP. I have mine hooked up to my 32" Sony LCD TV. It's a sweet setup.

  11. thats a pretty bull **** rule

    i would cancel

  12. I was going to buy an ALienware PC but after doing some research I decided against it. I would cancel and order from elsewhere. I bought off Ebay, super cheap and its been great. Is your school sponsored by Alienware, I can see them giving you minimum requirements, but specifying a brand that's weird.

  13. My god, what school makes you waste 5k on a comp where you could buy a slightly less powerful one for ~1k?

    Have you tried talking with the school for an alternative?

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