
Really nervous about volleyball tryouts?

by  |  earlier

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im really nervous because i went to this one practice with the coach a while ago with one of my friends and at that practice i sucked because i was soo nervous and my friend was just she is going on vacation the day of the tryouts and the coach called her and told her that its okay she is missising them and that she could just be on the team! without even trying out! because he said that its all about potential and that she has potential...

i had no potential that day!!

but now i went to a volleball camp and i became soo much better!!!

and i know with how good i am i definatley could make the team except i think my coach has a reputation of me sucking really bad and i dont think he will even notice me at the tryouts because of that




  1. I think that he'll notice you even more becuz he'll probs. expect u to b horrible...and insted u will b relly good. He'll obviously c that u relly want to b on nthe team and that u have the potential, andd hopefully, will put u on the team!!♥♥

    And bout the friend thing,..thats seriously not fair cuz she culdve been nhaving a good day and normally she is mediocre

    Well hope i helped♥♥ and gl at tryouts!!

  2. At my tryouts this year, we had about 36 people trying out. So it was hard to stand out. But, when you are watching people play, make sure to cheer them on. And be really loud when you call the ball. That will show a lot. I hope that helps hun. Good luck!

  3. Potential I think is overrated. But I mean it IS a good thing but people use that word much to often. When you go into tryouts, be motivated and loud. And not everyone is going to be better than you. Some people could be equal. Talk a lot. Communication is absoluteley a MAJOR key in volleyball. Take some of these suggestions.

    1) ALWAYS SAY MINE. (or i got it ball, whatever you prefer) Preferably before the ball touches you. If its coming to you call it. If you call it go for it. coaches HATE it when someone calls the ball, or two people do and then they get confused and the ball drops. GO FOR IT DO NOT BE AFRAID IT WONT HURT TO COLLIDE WITH SOMEONE I PROMNISE!!!! lol

    2) GIVE THE BALL AWAY. After the ball touches you, WHO ARE YOU PASSING TO? Ashley? Michelle? maybe their not paying attention. Do it coaches will love it!

    3) when the ball is set, tell your hitter where to hit it. If cross court is open tell them if line is tell them. whatever information you can give your hitter is good information.

    so here's a scenario...

    *ball served*


    whoo hoo you got a perfact pass and ythanks to you your hitter got a kill.


  4. As a parent of a volleyball player, I can tell you that the coach SHOULDN'T be making exceptions to who can miss tryouts and who can't.  When a coach does this it really smacks of favoritism.

    Now, because I'm an adult with school aged children, I can tell you I'm not soooo naive as to think favoritism doesn't occur in school tryouts. (For instance, when's the last time you can think of when a coach's child DIDN'T make a team regardless of ability?).

    With tryouts, there's enough INFERRED favoritism that a coach should do his/her absolute best to not make it overt . . .as it appears your coach is doing.  Maybe it speaks to the level of competitiveness here in my area with club AND scholastic VB, but if a girl wants to make a team here . . .she'd BEST be at tryouts no matter what trip her family had planned.

    Go to tryouts and do your best!  Good luck!

  5. I think he will pay attention to you because since he thinks you suck, you'll go there and steal the spotlight!  The same thing happened to my friend.  She missed tryouts and the coach put her on Varsity!  Those tryouts were hectic and she only went the last day!  She got better though and now we are the best of friends!  Point is that just do as best as you can.  Now you are confident enough not to let you emotions take over.  Take a deep breath and do as best as you can.  The coaches duty is to notice everyone and give everyone a shot before cutting people.  You never know, he could have forgotten it since you said it was a while ago and if it was a while ago, he could think that you were determined enough to go out that and improve enough to make it to the team.  Do be to hard on yourself.  You are your own worse critic!  Good Luck and I hope this helps!

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