
Really sad please help.?

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ok I have this friend. She is my best friend but more than that. And she is not just some best friend I had in middle school. No. She is the biggest part of my life. I mean we have been through every single thing together. We have sooooo many memories. We were the closest people in the world. I love her more than anyone else can ever love someone. She has made such a huge difference in my life. She has taught me things and helped me. She is the only person I can trust. She has been so good to me. Better than anyone else has in the whole world. We care about eachother more than any other two people. I just love her so much I can't even explain it. We always act weird together and nobody understands us. She has always made me laugh and smile and cheered me up. We said we would always be friends. Through high school, college and everything. She knows everything about me. We have always stuck together and she has always been a true friend. I literally cannot live without her. I am never ever gonna find someone like her again. Nobody on this earth can replace her because she is too special to me. She is the most beautiful person I have ever met. But she is staying at our school we went to and I am changing. And I don't know what to do. Because I know you think I can just still hang out with her. But I can't. My mom wont let me go to her house and she cant come her. (Its a really long story.) But really I know I am never gonna see her again unless I visit that school which I can't do. I don't know what I am gonna do without her. I don't want to face the rest of my life without her. She is unlike any other person and there is no way I can ever let her go. Like I said I cannot live without her. I love her way too much and without her I don't have anything. I have other good friends but she matters most to me. Words can't even tell how much I love her and need her. I don't want us to just eventually forget about eachother. We had something that most people will never have. And when I think about losing her and not having her in my life, it like really really hurts. What should I do?




  1. It's bad now, and I'm sorry you're sad, but you should write her unless you both were involved in something uncool and that is why your mom won't let you see her.

    Start making friends and keep her in your heart but live your life and all of those wonderful experiences you have had will make it rich. Time will pass and soon you will see each other  because you can work out the problems you may have caused and see her sooner. The ball is always in your court. You can have what you want and still play by the rules, be respectful to your parents and be honest. Just be honest, face it and do well. You'll only be happy if everyone else is happy too, or at least the majority of people are. Come clean and be honest. And you're right, it is important.

  2. In life if  Ã£ÂÂ³  feel that somethin o r someone  means the world to  Ã£ÂÂ³ and some thing is blockin your relationship び have to Do what  Ã£ÂÂ³  gotta do to  keep in contack dont let it go cus  your gonna feel like ur whole world  has fallin apart and its gonna hurt if it means that  Ã£ÂÂ³  have to ran away then do soo dont give up

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