
Reasons why to carpool?

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i have to write a paper on this. i already have it cuts down on money you have to pay, pollution, less accidents,and lowers traffic




  1. to save fuel

  2. There are many reasons why to carpool.  I work for Colorado Dept of Transportation (CDOT) as a traffic engineer.  Right now the average vehicle occupancy is around 1.1 persons per vehicle.  If we could raise that number and get to SOVs (Single Occupant Vehicle) off the road we would not have to add lanes ($$$) have traffic (wasted time, fuel, vehicle maintenance cost etc).  Also carpools can take advantage of HOT lanes (High Occupancy Toll) which are going to become more and more common over the next ten years since all the DOT's are cash strapped since the Gas tax has not been raised since the early 90's.

    There are lots of resource for you.  I would recommend checking out WDOT, TTI (Texas Transportation Institute) and the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG).  I'll put the links below.

    Good luck on your paper!

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