
Recent Bigfoot Controversy...?

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Is this "bigfoot" seriously the real deal? I live in North Georgia where they found the "bigfoot", so I think it would be cool if it really was real. I have always been a believer in the bigfoot theories, since Indians have been talking about it hundreds of years ago. What do you think?




  1. I live near savannah and Im very interested to see what the outcome is.

  2. The guys that found him seem to be dumbasses and aren't convincing..They already hoaxed an interview and nevr want to show the body and sent possum and human DNA to scientist saying it's something the bigfoot ate? 0_o It's most likely a fake.

    The patterson video is interesting though

  3. Sorry, it's fake or hoax. No body, no evidence? Why not? Why hide it from the press? Why was the blood sample they sent in identical to opossum in DNA? Why tell three different stories on youtube about how they found it?

    Coming from Georgia, you'll know that you can't walk a mile or two without crossing a road. Hunters there every day? They'd find remains of dead bigfoots. They don't live forever right?

    I hoped it was true too.

  4. Didn't they find his body, as if he was dead?

    This is really interesting.  I believe in all these theories too.

  5. It's a movie costume made by Chuck Jarman, who makes this stuff for motion pictures. He was interviewed on Coast to Coast last night and states unequivocably that it is one of his creations.  He thinks there are dentures stuck in the mouth and the eyes were deer's eyes.

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