
Recent UFO sitings?

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Just this morning on the way to work I heard "Bob and Sheri" ( a radio talk progam ) talking with some guy who was going on and on about some recent UFO sitings that were appearently seen by 100's of people. Objects that were around 1 mile long and 1/2 mile wide. They said the sitings were made Jan. 8th 2008. I was just wondering if anyone had any more information on this stuff or if it was just something they hoped would get more radio listeners.




  1. I dont know any specifics, but I have heard somethim similar and am inteagued to read any other answers you get!

  2. nope... but I will put this on my watchlist.  thanks for the question.

  3. Good question. :)

    I originally heard about that a couple of days ago as well.

    It would appear that dozens of people, including a pilot, a county constable and business owners in Texas made reports. Which gives it more credibility in my eyes than if it was only 1 farmer sitting in his living room with tinfoil on his head.

    It will be interesting to see if an investigation turns up anything. Sometimes UFO sightings can be easily explained, and sometimes not.

    Anyway, the story is definitely catching people's attention. Here is an article posted on the ABC website.

  4. There's a blurb on Yahoo News on their front page at the moment about it.

  5. I heard about it, but I don't know any details.  You may want to try:

  6. I saw news footage about the sightings on yahoo and it was a small town in texas that has had these sightings over the last week. A hunter said that the craft actually hovered over him for a time before shooting off into the sky. Fun stories, but likely untrue due to how many times this same "we all saw it!" story has been pulled.

  7. There was something on the internet about siteing in Texas. I think. Try looking it up.

  8. I think there is one outside my window right now....

  9. They might be on a mission to Earth to teach people how to spell.
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