
Recipe for Lepelsteeltjies?

by  |  earlier

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Karen, I also spent a good part of the day searching all search engines, and most likely got the same results as you did. But, thanks to Darth, we have it now. It sounds like exactly the same one I used to make. And it tastes delicious. The cheese and jam combination is magic. We used to roll the dough into about walnut sized or smaller and put them on a baking tray. Then one takes the handle of a wooden spoon and makes the hole (dent) in the centre for the jam to be put in. Hence the name "lepelsteeltjies", which means "spoonhandle".




  1. Cakes! I am amazed! I searched every search engine I could find for recipes  and Lepelsteeltjies specifically and came up with a big fat zero. Well I found the word on 5 sites but it was part of an advertizement or part of a yahoo question. There was one site that it looks like USED to have a recipe:

    StartWhere Smart Community / Groups / Mix's Flop Proof Recipes

    14 Nov 2007 ... Boards. Forums. Mix's Flop Proof Recipes ... Lepelsteeltjies. 500ml Koekmeelblom. 2ml Sout. 1ml Bakpoeier. 625ml Gerasperde Kaas ... - 41k - Cached - Similar pages

    But there is no recipe there anymore and their 'groups' page seems to have disappeared.

    If you go to they do not even have a contact address.

    Got a list of recipes on ananzi but no Lepelsteeltjies

    Is there possibly another name they are called? Maybe an English translation?

    They sound so good I was going to try making them so if you get a recipe, please share! :o)

    Addition: I will copy the one Darth has put up. Always looking for something different for the tenant's association meetings.Thanks for this Cakes and Darth :o)

  2. Sonia you are messing with one of the people whos answers I thake more serious. Please get a life.

    *add* DV I think that might be it but might be mistaken for jam tertjies. I was also thinking of that recipe

    *add* Just learned that it is the same as jam tertjies. Hope this helps.

    *add* Sorry then, I need better contacts in the hotel and catering industry.

  3. uhmmm....

    get a recipe for biscuit batter & add

    chedder cheese. then fill the

    center of the biscuit with apricot jam?

    i dont know.

    i suppose.

    but this question is fake

    & your weird so why dont

    i just get my two point already?

  4. never heard of it, I hope the recipe above is what you were looking for.

    Sad thing is home industries are dying out, its not like the old days with tons of homemade crafts & knitted stuff. Now they are full of imported soaps and the kind of stuff you find in the small pharmacies.

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