
Recovering from a situation?

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I sent a few notes to this girl at the beginning of the year asking her to some things happening at the school, but she didn't know who to reply to. After that, we sorta stopped talking, and I had less opportunities to tell her about it in person. Now at the end of the year, I told her in fron tof her friends, and she didn't really care, she just gave me a hug and walked away, but her friends didn't really like that it took this long to tell her. It's been a summer; how should I approach her.




  1. Well I think that you answered your own question here. If the letters didn't work, and her friends were disappointed that it took you so long to do it in person, why not try asking talking to her directly? I don't think that the problem is "how" you approach her, but just that you approach her at all. I sent a letter to a girl at the middle of the year, but she didn't respond. By the time I got enough courage (and encouragement) to send another, it was too late and she told me that she never liked me and never would. The one thing I got out of that experience is that the best way when dealing with other people is to be direct and just talk to them in person. I know that it's alot harder than it seems like it would be (or at least it was for me anyway) but trust me on this. You don't want to go and do this at the end of this year too. I hope this helps, and if not, I'm sorry for what happens to you. Good luck!

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