
Recurrent number in my life

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Ever since I was a very small child (I'm 28 now), the number 311 has presented itself to me. I used to wake up every night at 3:11... I would watch movies and a clock in the background would read 3:11. It just seems like everywhere I look, I see that number. I've always thought it meant that will be the day I will die.

Now, I've gotten pregnant and my due date is March 7. I'm worried that I may go into labor on the 11th and have some major complication. What do you think?




  1. You are not paranoid. I do not know the reason though. For me it is number 15......major contracts, dates etc. After a while you start to notice those things.

    I would not be afraid in your place.

    Maybe someone will come up with a plausible explanation.

  2. There are alot of people that this happens to. You are not paranoid. I don't have an explanation because the same thing happens to me. But please don't worry yourself about your due date. Nothing bad has happened right? Nothing bad will happen. The eleventh will be just the same as any other date and I hope it brings you much happiness.

  3. It's called paranoia, have you ever considered that you see 311 because you're looking for 311? Take a lesson from Job,that which you greatly fear will come upon you. So stop being afraid and live your life, what ever happens, happens, worrying won't change anything but it will shorten your life.

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