
Recurring dreams/nightmares?

by  |  earlier

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well ive had 2 dreams, and they both started out the same kind of way: happy.

I was walking with my family, and we were coming back home from a friend's house. I asked my mom if i could go ahead, and she said yes. Once i was a good distance away, i remember a car pulled up next to me. I was kind of scared. Then the guy was walking towards me, menacingly, and i was like, "mol-mo---mole---" and the guy said (as he was walking closer and closer) "Molester..." and the dream ended

The next dream (im gonna keep short) i was back at my old house, and we (my family) were enjoying family time. Then, i noticed that a side door was open. Suddenly, a guy came running inside holding a knife. The last thing that happened before i woke up was everyone started screaming.

Both times i woke up with sweat POURING down my face. Other than those 2 dreams (about 2 weeks apart), it has been relatively fine. And i am basically happy in my regular life as well.




  1. It is just a dream, it's that simple

  2. These can probably be explained by hidden or repressed fears coming back up in your subconscious mind. Maybe a friend or family member was molested or robbed by a knife wielding crazy person? It could also be your fear of harm coming to family members, because in both dreams your family is there. try some light meditating or happy thoughts while you're trying to go to sleep at night.

  3. dreams that reoccur obviously stem from something that's either bothering you or worrying you. and yes it could be something you aren't even consciously aware of. but i wouldn't really stress too much. if they are a concern to you, try to alter them. i had reoccurring dreams, a few of them nightmares, and after awhile i just didn't want to have them anymore. it stopped becoming a dream for me and started to scare me because i always knew what was going to happen when the dream started, so i became almost like torture. so i activated  myself. i'm not sure if that's a real term but that's sure as h**l what i called it. i forced myself in the dream to respond differently or in some cases confront the object/person that was scaring me. the one dream that chased me for years, i finally stopped it one night and it literally melted away into another dream that wasn't dreadful at all. also, take some time and read up on dreams. sometimes just the fear of not knowing what's happening can cause reactions so when you figure it all out, it's not so frightening therefore there's nothing to fear so your brain doesn't freak out. good luck!

  4. Some people say that our dreams are a way for our minds to organize our recent thoughts, so perhaps, these things you are seeing could relate to something you have experienced lately.

    Maybe it was just something you saw on the news, or maybe it is something more interpretive, such as, the guy with a knife could relate to something interrupting your family life recently.  It's probably not as shocking as a guy with a knife, though.

    So many people have different explanations for what our dreams mean.  I think you need to simply sit down, and reexamine everything that has been going on in your life recently, and just see if anything has been uneasy or difficult lately.  Only you can interpret your dreams.  Our subconscious minds are so different from our conscious minds, that it takes a lot of effort to try and understand them, and even then, we may still have no clue.

    I hope this helps!

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