
Recurring strep throat...?

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so I have tested positive for strep throat 3 times in the last 5 weeks. yes Ive takin all my antibiotics, switched toothbrushes so on and so forth. my kids have not gotten it, my other half has not gotten it, nor has anyone else Im frequently around. what the heck is going on? Im going back to the dcts tomorrow Im going nuts over this. anyone have any suggestions to what might be happening??




  1. it could be caused by inflamed tonsils  

  2. My sister had this problem. She thinks she caught it at a restaurant and it came back alot before it went away. Luckily, she got over it eventually. Maybe your immmune system is struggling.  Do you take vitamins?  Do you have a dishwasher?  Make sure your dishes are washed in very hot water.  If you do it by hand then, wear gloves so that the water can be as hot as possible.  If you are working too hard, take more breaks and try to get to bed early.  Definitely talk to your doctor about it.  Good luck.

  3. I used to get it a lot when I worked in a line of work I'm not particularly proud to talk about.  But after I got out of that stopped.

  4. Even if the bacteria are dead, you will still test positive for awhile.  The "rapid strep" test detects both viable and non-viable Group A strep, and may yield a positive result in the absence of actual LIVING organisms.  So if you FEEL better, then don't worry.  The dead bacteria will eventually clear from your pharynx and you will have a negative result.

    However, if you are still displaying symptoms of strep throat, let me know and I can help you further.  You may have received the wrong antibiotic, there might be resistance, etc.

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