
Recurring suicide dream?

by  |  earlier

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I keep having this dream that I am jumping off a building and as I fall I hear people screaming. I've had the same dream four nights in a row now, and its starting to freak me out. My life hasn't been very good lately, and I did consider suicide for a moment, but I decided that its a stupid. And cowardly thing to d.dont worry, I'm not gonna do it.




  1. maybe you are doing sth harmful in your life or that u are following the wrong path!! u have to be careful.

  2. maybe your dream is telling you that suicide isn't the answer.

    the screaming could represent those who love you who would miss you dearly.

  3. Very often, death in dreams is a symbol of the symbolic death of an old identity.  Adolescents, for example, often have dreams about dying as they transition into thinking of themselves as adults; and adults may have death-dreams, too, as they face and come to terms with any big new transition.

    It sounds to me that possibly a part of you isn't happy with the person who you are, and wants to end the old identity; but you don't have in you yet a new understanding of who you can become, which results in panicked screams.  If you can relate to ever feeling trapped as who you are, that might have something to do with this.

    Now the good news is that you're ready and motivated for change -- you just don't at this moment have your new direction ready.  That's fine -- it'll come, and it sounds from your determination and willingness to hang in there and stick things out that you know at some level it'll come.

    If this sounds right -- I'm going out on a limb here; I could be completely wrong about where you're coming from; but this is my best informed guess -- then to naturally build change, there's an easy exericize to do:

    In your daily meditation, imagine your life as you want it to be -- your ideal life, going really well -- and from inside that life, look around at what would be different, what kind of person you'd be as a consequence of that and what sorts of things you'd remember doing to have gotten there.  The more vivid and the more you feel it, the more you're doing it right.

    Your unconscious mind understand things through images and emotion.  So all you're doing here is giving your unconscious mind a direction -- you're saying, "Hey, this is where I want to be; this is the goal; pay attention to stuff related to this."

    Your unconscious will organically pick that up and start sorting for unconscious material related to that.  And especially if your old self-identity is motivated to step aside, you'll start to build that new self-identity quickly.


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