
Recycling-good for the enviornment???

by  |  earlier

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I heard someone saying that it is actually worse to recycle because of the gas it takes to transport the recyclables and then something having to do with the pprocess of getting allof the ink and other stuff out. Is this true? Is it better for the planet if I recycle, or if I don't recycle??? thank you :)




  1. remember these key points,

    paper = trees

    plastic in landfill = bigger landfills

    plastic recycled = less petroleum converted to plastic and CO2= not as expensive as it could be-gas

    aluminum recycled=cheaper aluminum

    and global warming is worse for animals, then alot of plants, depending on where they are.

    in other words, recycling is better for humans

  2. I'm pretty sure it is better to recycle.

  3. Recycling = less trash in landfill.

    It takes less energy to create something with a recycled item than making something new.

    Definately recycle!

  4. Recycling is still good for the environment, but the more it has to travel around, and the harder it is to recycle (compared to making from scratch), the smaller the advantage is.  

    For the vast majority of recyclable items, though, the difference made can be quite big.  Recycling materials usually requires less energy than extracting and refining raw materials, as well as reducing the use of the raw materials.

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