
Recycling pop tabs?

by  |  earlier

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is it true that if you fill up a gallon milk jug with pop tabs and take it to a recycling company that they will give u $100?




  1. defiantly Not!

  2. I highly, highly doubt it.

  3. Of course not.

  4. I recycle aluminum cans for a charity and they do weigh heavier with the pop tabs on the cans. However I remove them for a friend who uses home dialysis and turns them in to the Kidney foundation.  At a recycling center they only have the recycling value based on the weight and amount given for aluminum at that time. During earth week recyclers were giving 70-80 cents per pound.

  5. doubtfully, but maybe call a recycling company in your area and ask. the payment is measured by weight. so you will get x amont of dollars (or cents) per pound

  6. I've been recycling for years and I've never been paid for it.  Why would a bunch of pop tabs be worth $100?

  7. I don't have a clue, but that sounds like a lot of money.

    I would also like to comment that Luke, you don't have to call people names just because you think you have the answer. What's that all about? Be nice!

  8. you can bring them to a hospital to donate to childrens cancer. The Ronald McDonald Foundation.  

    other than that, i dont know what else.

  9. I doubt it.  I am collecting tabs for my nephew's school.  I don't think the tabs have actual value, but it's more of a recycling reminder.  There is an assumption if I save the tab, I've recycled the can.

    Somebody told me there is an equal or greater amount of aluminum in the tab as in the can, but I find that hard to believe.  To me saving the tab is supporting my nephew.  Maybe you can find a child who is participating in a similar school program?

  10. No...this is a run-away rumor which I have devoted 3 years to stopping.

    Once I need the asker to actually read the website. But alas, this will most likly be decided by the voters, who only click on the submission nearest the top.

    If you dont believe me, send me $100, I will send you 5 gallons of tabs.

  11. make it into chain mail or a dress and try to sell it, or a nice belt
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