
Recycling..wake up people?

by Guest33318  |  earlier

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Its dustbin day today and some people have 3 bags outside....why dont the councils charge per contribution was no where near full....due to Recycling.




  1. My council has issued a blue box for recycling.

    It is so small that it will not hold the papers, and bottles that people try to recycle.

    The papers get blown about all over the road, and the bottles are a regular source for people to throw and smash.

    My council's answer was to supply a bunji net to put over the box.

    But the box is still too small.

    Some people in my area don't even have a box, never mind a net to fit over it.

    I returned my box as being unsuitable, and I throw everything into my wheelie bin!

    Recycle, don't make me laugh,

    When I get supplied with a sensible container,(a recycling wheelie bin is the obvious answer), then I will do my bit and recycle everything.

    The trouble is, that the council's put waste collection out to tender, and the contractor that wins the contract, is not interested, and does not want to invest or spend much money on recycling!

    Some places in Kent, for example have green, brown, and blue wheelie bins for the different waste to be recycled!

    I don't so It all goes into my 1 wheelie bin!

  2. Indeed - I agree - caught one of my neighbours (a miserable sour faced cow) trying to nick my bin to put all her c**p in - I emptied it all back out when she went in - what a sight to see the next day! LMAO

  3. i agree!!! but the thing is alot of people think that recycling is this 'new' thing when its not! in the old days when people didn't have enough money to just replace things they would repair them, my grandma has a very old housem and you can see that thing beam things on the ceiling were obviously not used on their house first! see what i mean? it annoys me alot...

    save the environment people woo

    i think your idea is very cool =]

  4. I am in a family of 5 and we all recycle but still we have at least 1 bin bag out to be taken, its not our fault that we have large families its the stupid way the council choose to empty the bins once a fortnight. I take the proper action for all my rubbish but even I have to admit defeat and put bags out.

  5. Maybe they made 6 kids ever thought of that? we recycle and always have a trouble because it is too full. If you want to complain why don't you complain about the business's they don't have to recycle but they make more population than any family ever will they just bin their cardboard and glass's with not thought, or what about America they don't really give a darn about using less petrol compared to there size even if all of the UK recycled there would be no difference. Then theirs china they care more about money than any environmental issues. Yet you are ready and willing to point a finger at one house hold who you know nothing about, who might actually try recycling for all you know. Don't judge people.  

    I would never support a pay by amount rubbish scheme they already try to control and stealth tax us as it is.

  6. i totally agree, there cud of been some stuff in those bags that cud of been recycled

  7. god what a whinger, i'm glad i'm not your neighbour.

  8. You all sound like you're from Europe cause here in America I've never heard of someone else using your bin?!?..strange..there's always plenty of room in my trash bin. And the thing here is it's very expensive to even begin to live "green"..when are the governments going to smart up and make green living easier,safer,and cheaper?

  9. They may have had lots of people/guests over for Christmas and New Year - saving some rubbish for these guests/people at their houses.

  10. In our township here in Ontario Canada we are given a certain number of tags.  It works out to two tags per week and they will not pick up your garbage unless it has a tag.

    Once you run out of tags you can get more but, you pay two dollars per tag.

    This really helps to cut back on garbage, we also have recycling trucks that come by and pick up our blue box stuff.

    Tins, bottles, paper etc

  11. Probably because some cheeky people still like to dump their excess rubbish in front of other people's bins. I had two extra garbage bags dumped on top of mine last week - why should I be forced to pay for somebody else's garbage? :-/

  12. i recycled all my kids bit that they no longer needed through this great yahoo group directed at parents for parents

  13. we should be targeting the companys who supply us with all this packaging.not each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Well aren't you lucky!!

    How many are in your family?

    I recycle everything my Council will allow but still find that so much packaging cannot be recylced.  I try to buy sensibly but even so with a large family I struggle to fit the rubbish in the alloted bin.  And by the way, I do not buy pre made meals or processed foods as I like to cook from fresh, I compost what I can and freecycle as well.

    Why will local authorities not recycle all that they could either?  I would like to leave the excess packaging (that cannot be recyled) at the supermarket for them to get rid of.

    I pay my council tax and that covers refuse collection, and I don't think 3 bags of rubbish in a fortnight for a family is in any way excessive, even with recycling.

  15. Don't be  so silly, the government has to make it easier for you to recycle, where i live we have recycle bins at the end of each road, so it makes you as your not having to go out of your way to recycle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well done you for recycling smiley face for you!

  16. We have recycling picked up with the dustbins every 2 weeks.

    We've got 3 different wheelie bins and a bag for paper, which is a bit annoying 'cos they take up a load of space but our normal bin is never full anymore!

    If you don't have it picked up from your house you can't expect everyone to go to the trouble of saving it for a trip to the recycling centre, and the council won't charge for rubbish unless they have some easy recycling scheme in place first.

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