
Red Sox and Coco Crisp...........?

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Do you think the Red Sox are lucky they never traded Coco Crisp like the rumors that had been going around over the past few years? Where do you think the outfield would be without Coco playing all three outfield positions and handling the bat very good. Coco Crisp is having quietly a very very good season.




  1. Yes, you are absouloutly right. Coco Crisp is one of the best players or was one of the best players. The rumors about him arent true he confirmed then in a meeting in downtown boston. But the sox are lucky to have Crisp because he plays a crutial part to their team

  2. They should be thrilled to still have him! True, he's not great at the plate, but he is one of the absolute best center-fielders in the game. More importantly though, he has an excellent attitude; he will happily and whole-heartedly do any task Terry Francona asks of him. In the post-Manny days, I think we're seeing how important attitude and team-spirit really are to a ball-club . . .

  3. He's a below average hitter and a below average hitter. He's a decent fourth outfielder but nobody should WANT him starting for anyone.

  4. Rumors are only rumors and no Coco would of been told if he was going to be trade.

    Both Ellsbury and coco having a great year. But dustin having a better year.

    So no its not lucky. Rumors are rumors  

  5. He should still be traded...

    I hate him.  

  6. CoCo is a great player

    he does go around being unappriciated

    but hes helped the red sox out

    so its all good

    Go Red Sox!!

  7. This is a decent question.

    If the Red Sox outfield stayed healthy, for instance Drew, Ellsbury, and Bay (now of course) stayed healthy, then Crisp would rotate as a 4th outfielder.

    If they traded him, it wouldn't have been as bad as trading Pedroia for a pitcher or Mike Lowell for a prospect.

    But Coco's contributions have been very helpful and the Sox look...well, amazing.

  8. no no no coco crisp to me is a good utility and is every once in a while a decent bat but never really good he is nothing to ellbury who should have the starters role on lock cause he is way better than crisp and he is only a rookie He has coem in handy for injuries but otherwisw than that coco crisp is nnot that good besides being fast and preety good fielding

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