
Red bull? good or bad??

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everyone says its high and calories and bad for you but ive started drinking a 17 oz. can every two days and it makes me really hungry but even though im eating more im losing weight. yet supposedly it makes you gain weight. ???




  1. Well, one every two days isn't too bad. I used to drink two DAILY...

    But, it isn't good for skin complexion and is like taking speed pretty much.

  2. Bad, you have a high jittery burst then a few minutes later you crash!

  3. Depends how old you are. If your under 21 your body is still probably a metabolic machine. Somebody twice your age should stay away from those drinks regularly. I think the amount of caffeine your consuming is the real issue, not the calories. Red Bull has more caffeine than coffee which has more caffeine than soda. And also, what the heck does a 17oz. Red Bull cost you, like $5?!?!?! I'd stick with Diet Pepsi, or before Red Bull was ever heard of, the drink of choice for young people was Mountain Dew.  

  4. Very bad,a guy at my dads work was put in the hospital because of red bull there are natural ways to gain energy like vitamins :]

    Or drinks that are organic or not carbonated and filled with caffeine, soda and energy drinks make you heart rate insane  

  5. If used as intended and in moderation they are not bad for us. Yes they do have a lot of sugar and caffeine in them. Yes too much is definitely bad for us. But in small amounts they will not do you harm. Especially if you burn off more calories then they provide anyhow.

    Red Bull recommends only 1 to 2 a day. The big can you have counts as 2. A serving is one small can, the 8.4 ounce one. Even the 2nd largest selling energy drink, XS Energy, which is also the 1st and largest selling healthy energy drink suggests only having one of theirs a day and recommends against having more then 2.

    If consumed in equal amounts energy drinks do have more sugar and caffeine than sodas do but at least energy drinks have stimulants that we need if we use them properly plus some B vitamins. Sodas have absolutely nothing beneficial in them at all. Except ginger ale. So it is really a toss up. One is really no worse than the other. Just use them in moderation, which is one thing most people cannot grasp.

    Don't forget to drink extra water. Caffeine dehydrates us so we need it to offset the dehydrating effects.

  6. Just stop wasting your money on this c**p.

  7. It has a ton of sugar. That is what is really bad. I have drank one in my whole life at a baseball game and stole about four bases. lol. I was a crazy lunatic. It looks addicting though because i see people drinking it daily and they look like they don't have any energy. I stay away from it. ( i only drank it because that was my third ball game that day.)

  8. Red Bull messes up your whole body system..

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