
Red-light camera help?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday, I was going east on a street called Lawrence Ave. When I reached another street called Victoria Park Ave., I wanted to turn north on it, therefore a left turn. When the light turned yellow, there were 2 cars in front of me and they turned and I followed... when the light turned red my front wheels were on the pedestrian cross, and so therefore I continued crossing. The red-light camera was in the south-east corner ( the opposite corner ) and facing directly to the north-west corner. Would i get charged a fine for that left turn? and could that red-light camera even see my license plate if i was turning with my side to it? It was honestly the difference of a second, maybe not even that long.




  1. You're nailed!

  2. if it turned orange TWO CARS ahead of you why did u still go!! of course it would be red by the time you got to it!

  3. you would be able to see the flash if it caught you. No flash, no charge.

  4. yes I can and probably will get you. There are camera at every angle

  5. Theres a chance you would get fined, the light turned red before you hit the intersection because you were still on the pedestrian crosswalk, and thats a fine under driving laws in the US. and yes, that camera can still see your cars license plate when it turns to an angle while your make your left turn. Many red light camera programs provide motorists with grace periods of up to half a second,so if you were in that intersection on red for more than a half a second, it most-likely got you.The cameras are designed to see almost about every corner of the intersection. All you can do, is hope not to get anything in the mail sending you the bill and a picture of your car with proof of evidence that you did it, i know a few buddies that have had that happen to them.

    and yes, the flashes are visible, but not during daylight hours. you wouldnt be able to notice it unless it was dark.

  6. i don't know what country you were in but in the USA the law states that only one car can be in an intersection when waiting for traffic to clear. since there were already two cars ahead of you you would be cited.

    if the camera didn't catch you then i'd say you got away this time.
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