
Red tail boa??

by  |  earlier

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my young red tail isnt eating... its only been 3 weeks and i know thats not long for them. but i want her to eat. i dont want this problem to continue. is something wrong? is it the time of year? she just shed and still wont eat.




  1. hmmmmmmm, it could be alot of reasons.  

    Are your temperatures correct?

    Humidity at the right %?  

    If it continues try getting it to the vet for a check up.

  2. Uggh! I am not trying to be an alarmist but it sounds vaguely familiar of some of the symptoms my first red tailed boa had before it died. I am not saying that is the case but it could be a number of things. I NEVER found that a humidity level with a red  tailed  had to be exact I kept a heating pad UNDER the tank with a large dish of water the evaporation of the water in that dish due to the heating pad was always enough. Personally if it were me I would take him/ her to the vet for a check to rule out a respiratory infection or anything else. In a small percentage of cases they can even catch diseases from their own food( ie: the rats or mice you are feeding them) thats why I always  went with a company that had pre killed FROZEN food so that any diseases or germs were gone.  Good time definitely for a vet check I am  not a vet and I do not want anything to happen to your snake.

  3. I agree with ken it could be many different things. but more than likely its the temp. and the humidity.

  4. If you like to read try this

  5. how old is the snake.  young could mean a lot of different things to different people.  i have 2 young ball pythons but they are 2 years old.  if he is a year or older don’t worry too much about it not eating...snakes go on hunger stirkes all the time. i had a ball python that didn’t eat for almost a year...i have another one that just got off of a 6 month hunger stirke.  snakes just do that. unless your snake is losing muscle mass i wouldn’t worry about it too much.  don’t offer it food too often you will stress it out...just offer it food as normal...every 10 days or so. if your snake is used to being handled a lot go ahead and handle him normally.  

    good luck!
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