
Regarding sheikh beach..?

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is the sheikh beach still open to the public? i left bahrain at 1995 and during that time, i believe sheikh beach was accessible to almost everyone. however, i've heard news that they've closed it down exclusive for the royal family? it's been quite a while and i am just curious..

another question, has zalaq beach improved since 1995?




  1. I don't know about that beach but there are alot of other beaches and places you could go to. Bahrain has improved alot since the 1995 but take my advice and don't come here, its hot, humid and the people over here are just stupiod. Altough Iam a bahraini, I would kill to get out of this **** hole.

  2. Yes it is.

    Yes it has.

  3. I remember that when Shaikh Isa was alive, the beach was only open to him and white Americans/Europeans...Arabs, Pakistanis, and Indians were turned away. Shaikh Isa used to love watching bikini-clad girls, and if he liked one, he would call her over, tell dirty jokes and reward her with expensive gifts. I know because a European girl I worked with used to go there. One time she took her parents, and they got gifts as well.  There were rumors that the old man was giving away so many gifts at the beach that his son Shaikh Hamad had him locked up until he promised to stop.


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