
Regarding the American Dollar?

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What can the average american do to strengthen the dollar ?




  1. Above answer is correct! Stronger currency does not mean stronger economy and vice versa... (Look at Yen)

    In fact, A stronger $ will be be extremely benefecial for countries exporting to US. (china, India) since then sales worth a $ will a go a longer way for them. Also, they will be able to price their product/services cheaper in US resulting in loss of US domestic companies and job cuts.

    On the other hand, A weak dollor will help US domestic companies and jobs but will make your imports costly (Oil).  so It is a trade off!

  2. Any time you buy foreign currency you have to sell American dollars and this weakens the dollar.  So I suppose you could avoid ever buying foreign currency.  However, you may not want the dollar to get stronger.  While the terms "strong" and "weak" imply that one is always good and one is always bad, that is not the case.  For example, when the dollar is weak against other currencies other countries will be far more likely to buy good and services from America.  So if you sell anything that foreigners might want to buy then you want the dollar to stay where it is.

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