
Registered s*x Offenders List

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Here's the scenario:

Person A is in a club and Person B sexually harasses Person A. Person A then decides to call the police on Person B. Then, Person B is charged with sexual harassment and is forced to register as a s*x offender for the next 10 years.

Is this really possible?

Information - Person B is drunk, and both Person A and B are both over 18.




  1. Yes it's possible. If convicted of certain sexual offenses, one can be made to register as a sexual offender.  In my state it's referred to as sexual abuse (manual touching of certain private areas). Each state calls their s*x offenses by different names but it's pretty much the same thing whereever you go.

    Drunk or not drunk, the investigation revealed enough to substantiate the charge and he/she was convicted.

    They can appeal.

  2. Yes it is.

    And person B CAN come off the registry depending on what state they live in.

  3. Do you mean rape? Were both drunk?

    More details are necessary in order to give you a good answer.

  4. If an offender was convicted of a sexual assault since 1996, he or she will be a registered s*x offender.

    In some cases, that registration requirement may expire, but the majority of offenders have to register for life.

    By the way, it doesn't matter if the offender was drunk or not... it's still a criminal offense.

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