
Registry Cleaner? Help?

by Guest34413  |  earlier

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I just used my restore cd. I connected to the internet and now I keep getting a pop up saying I need to run and another one saying to run registrycleanerxp. Should I do this? Why did this happen?




  1. You have been infected with Malwares. Under no circumstances will Windows ask you to run a registry fixer.

    Get your PC cleaned with Superantispyware (

  2. No, nothing that pops up can be good, dont download it, its called adware, they are evil!! what you need is a free virus cleaner, or buy one, i recommend




    it is not your registry but a virus, if you are going to buy one i'd choose McAfee over Norton. but thats down to you. DONT download it

  3. Download and use ccleaner that wll takcare of the registry but you may hav a virus or spyware so you need to rn those scan aswell

  4. no.

  5. Don't try it, those are rogue software that will damage you system. Run an anti-spyware check. This will stop the malware from popping up.

  6. DON'T!!! This is most likely caused by spyware and / or other malware on your PC. If I were you, I would update my anti-virus application and do a full system scan. If there is malware found on your system, let it get deleted immediately. Now the issue should not occur again.

  7. They are both crapware,you need to make sure your firewall and anti-virus are run a full scan.

  8. Your system is infected with Spyware. You need to download and install an Anti-Spyware program, run an Anti-Spyware scan (I recommend running a full or complete system scan) and you need to quarantine or delete anything that it finds. Those are fake advertisements that spyware pops up onto your computer to scare you into downloading more spyware, so they can further damage your computer and annoy you with things like ads and popups. Here are some links to a few good Anti-Spyware programs, each one has it's pro's and con's, so I recommend reading some reviews on all of them before making your final decision.

    (I will only link to free programs, these however do not offer the most security usually, so if you continue experiencing problems after trying one of these programs, I recommend researching some better software that you can purchase.)

    SUPERAntiSpyware: (Download the Free Home version. I use this program often and recommend it greatly.)

    Spybot Search & Destroy: (I use this along with SUPERAntiSpyware.)

    Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware:

    These 3 are good and safe to download and use. Be careful with what kind of Anti-Spyware programs you download and use. There are many fake websites that exist that offer rogue (fake) "Anti" Spyware programs that in fact are spyware themselves, or download additional Spyware to your system. The 3 that I listed are okay to download and are from safe websites.

    I hope this information was helpful, and one more program I recommend downloading and using is CCleaner. It will clear all of your traces, and comes in with a safe built-in Registry Cleaner, that will get rid of old, incorrect, invalid, or even malicious Registry entries. However I recommend backing up your Registry before making permanent changes to it. Good luck.

    Once you've finished running the scans and deleting the spyware, restart your computer and you shouldn't have anymore problems with ads, or popups, and you computer may even be running noticeably better.

    If you want to know more about spyware, malware, adware, or how any of this stuff even got onto your computer, check these articles from wikipedia out:

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